Chapter 5

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9:30am April 23rd

"Okay up next is Madison. So Madison and mom, please follow me." A woman in her forties called me.

"Break a leg Madison!" Jordyn Brianna and Zack wished me luck. I exhaled a big breath of air and started walking with my mom down the hall. I adjusted my black sparkly costume top and walked inside.

"Break a leg sweetheart." My mom kissed my cheek. I smiled and took my starting pose. I looked at my mom and she flashed me a thumbs up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked into the way mirror, where the judges were on the other side watching me.

"3,2,1 action." Jeff yelled. The room went silent and all you could hear was my music and the faint sound of my feet hitting the floor. "Remember everything Ms. April taught you. Shoulders strong. Head up. Use emotion. Long legs. Pretty lines. Pointed feet. Have fun." I thought to myself as my music played. Cameras were following my every move and I knew I had to prove myself. I poured my heart and soul into that dance. When I finished I looked into the one way mirror and saw the silhouettes move and heard a door close.

"Okay thank you Madison. So you and Correen, can go head back to the stage and we will join you in a moment." Jeff smiled as he left the dance room. "I had just finished my call back solo dance. 1 step closer." I thought to myself.

"You did amazing sweetheart." My mom hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

We headed to the stage and saw everyone else getting lined up. I grabbed my water bottle and Jordyn Brianna and Zack all ran up to me.

"How'd it go?" Zack asked me.

"I don't know. It felt good I guess. What about you guys?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

"I don't know. I kinda messed up on this one part." Jordyn shrugged.

"I'm sure you were fabulous. What about you too?" I asked Zack and Brianna.

"Fine I guess." Zack shrugged.

"Pretty good. Have you met Abby?" Brianna asked me.

"No. Have you guys?" I asked putting away my water and grabbing my dance clothes and dress. Zack and Brianna shook their heads no.

"Nope. I think we are all meeting her on camera." Jordyn said as she and Brianna got their dance clothes and coverups.

"Okay if you haven't already changed please go do so now! And apply as much makeup as you wear on a day to day basis ladies!" One of Jeff's assistants instructed. Brianna, Jordyn, and I headed to the bathroom.

"So you and Zack would be super cute together!" Jordyn gushed.

"Huh?" I said clearly confused as we entered the bathroom.

"You really would!" Brianna agreed as we entered our own stalls.

"I met him like two hours ago." I reminded them.

"Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?" Jordyn's voice echoed throughout the bathroom.

"True!" Brianna agreed from her stall. I quickly changed and left my stall.

"Well I believe in reality. And practicalness." I sighed as I applied lip gloss.

"Well I believe in fairytales." Jordyn skipped out of her stall.

"I believe in happily ever after." Brianna sighed as she exited her stall. I applied mascara and rolled my eyes.

"Look, I barely know him." I defended.

"But Cinderella knew nothing about Prince Charming!" Jordyn defended. I was about to say something, but then realized "why should I ruin a fairytale for a little kid?"

"Maybe he likes you." Brianna suggested.

"Maybe you guys are crazy." I laughed.

"It's not so crazy." Jordyn defended as she struggled to apply makeup.

"Want help?" I asked. She nodded and I took her eyeliner from her.

"Honestly it's not that crazy." Brianna agreed, putting the cap on her mascara. I shrugged and quickly applied natural makeup on Jordyn.

"Hey girls, we need to start the audition so hurry up please." Jen said coming in the bathroom. I slipped in my flower clip and we all left. When we got back to the stage I slipped on my black sandals and walked over to my mom.

"Hey Madison. You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. Just nervous. A little. Sorta. I don't know." I sighed.

"Don't be. You were fabulous with your solo." She hugged me. I hugged her back and walked back to my friends.

"So do you think Madison is cute?" Jordyn asked Zack.

"Jordyn!" I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Yeah she's cute." Zack smirked. I blushed and looked at the floor. Brianna and Jordyn shared a low high five.

"Um thanks." I blushed harder.

"Would you take her to the welcome party?" Brianna asked. I grabbed the two girls arms and dragged them backstage.

"Okay too far!" I whined.

"What?! He thinks you're cute." Jordyn shrugged.

"Good for him. But I just met him. And I don't like him like that." I reminded them.

"You totally blushing out there!" Brianna laughed.

"Well I do that anytime a guy calls me cute." I defended.

"And do you get super defensive whenever someone accuses you of liking someone you don't like?" Jordyn asked.

"Okay I'm not getting super defensive. I'm just explaining." I defended. Oh.

"Okay. We're sorry." Brianna apologized.

"I'm not! I think this is funny!" Jordyn laughed. I groaned and walked back with Brianna and Jordyn. Jordyn hopped on my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Giddy up!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes and we kept walking.

"Okay everyone! Moms get with your kid, and line up!" Jeff ordered. We all did so and Jeff sat in his chair. "And action! Kevin go!"

"Hi everyone! I'm Kevin Manno, the host of Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition!" A man in his late thirties introduced walking in.

"Hi." We all chorused.

"So are guys ready to meet your three judges?" He asked. We all nodded. "Alright! First up we have the fabulous, Robin Antin! The creator of the pussy cat dolls!" He announced. Robin walked out and we clapped and cheered.

"Hi everyone!" She waved.

"Next we have Lady Gaga's visual director and choreographer, Richie Jackson!" Kevin announced. Richie ran out and we all clapped and cheered.

"Hey y'all!" He said waving his fingers.

"And finally, the queen of dance moms, the fabulous Abby Lee Miller!" Kevin clapped. We all screamed and clapped.

"Hello everybody! Welcome!"

"Now, these three are each going to teach you 3 dance combinations. So Richie, the floor is yours." Kevin explained. Richie stepped up and did a fun hard hitting jazz number. Then Robin did a sassy number, and Abby marked a technical number. "Anthony, our staff choreographer, will teach you these and we'll be back in 2 hours. Good luck." Kevin and the judges left.

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