Chapter 12

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8:30am Leaving Jordyn's Hotel room

"Oh my god! You didn't!" Amanda laughed as I told the girls the story of when I was at Publix and tried to do my solo in the aisle, and knocked over a shelf of cereal, and a shopping cart.

"Yeah... Not one of my brightest moments as a dancer. But I had flawless technique." I joked. The girls laughed and Zack came into the hallway.

"ready for the pool?" We asked him.

"Yup!" He said holding up his towel. We all headed downstairs and walked into the California sun. I felt the warm air hit my skin and I smiled. It all started to sink in. I'm on Abby's ultimate dance competition. And I made through the first round.

I took off my denim shorts and gray American Eagle tee, to reveal a purple bikini. I walked to the edge of the water and sat down. I stuck my feet in the cool chlorine filled water. I looked up at the clear blue sky, and squinted because of the bright sun. I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked over and saw it was Elisabeth. I realized everyone else decided to come down to the pool.

"Oh hi." I gently smiled.

"Look, it's really obvious that you like Zack. But lemme tell you, he likes me, not you. So bye." She smiled "sweetly".

"Um I don't know what your talking about, but I don't like him. So bye." I mimicked her. I stood up and jumped into the pool and everyone followed, leaving a shocked, and now soaked, Elisabeth on the ledge of the water. Zack swam over to me and put me on his shoulders. I squealed as he stood up and I got taller. He started spinning around and I squealed even more. He put me down and smiled at me. I blushed and looked at our feet in the pool. He wiggled his toes and I giggled.

"I can feel you smirking." I laughed without looking up.

"That's me." He laughed. We all played a few pool games and then sat around in circle as we dried off.

"Who was super nervous last night?" Tua asked. Multiple people murmured in agreement.

"I wasn't really scared." Zack shrugged. I let out a laugh. "What?" He asked.

"I could feel you shaking as you held my hand." I laughed. The girls, except for Elisabeth, all awed when I said he held my hand.

"Maybe that could be your guys's lucky thing! Hold each other's hand right before elimination." Jordyn suggested.

"Yeah! That'd be so cute." Hadley gushed.

"Wanna?" I asked.

"Sure." Zack shrugged. I smiled and he grabbed my hand.

"It's not before elimination." I laughed.

"So?" He smirked. All the girl, minus Elisabeth, awed again. I bit my lip and looked at the floor again. I intertwined our fingers. "For luck?" He asked. 

"For luck." I smiled.

"Hate to break up the love birds, but it's 10:30. We gotta be at lunch in 2 hours." Jordyn notified. We all shot up and ran upstairs.

I got my hotel key out and unlocked the door. "Hi mom! Bye mom!" I yelled grabbing my stuff and running into the shower. I quickly washed the chlorine out of my hair and off my body. I changed into an orangish dance top with an infinity sign on it, and black booty shorts. I put on my Nike jacket on over that and sneakers. I threw my hair into a ponytail and walked out into the room.

"Hey honey. How was the pool?" My mom asked me, typing away on her computer.

"Fun. But Elisabeth is convinced that I like zack." I rolled my eyes taking a seat on the couch. I conveniently left the part where I actually do like him.

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