Chaper 17

620 9 7

3:30pm Madison's Solo Rehearsal

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 tap tap tip tap bada bop bada bop. I was running my dance for Molly. I finished my dance and she nodded.

"I can tell you worked on it. But you still haven't gotten the one footed wing. That's a crucial part to this dance. I'll see you on the stage in an hour. Please try to get that step before the other dancers see this dance." Molly left. I sat on the chair next to my mom.

"Where's my little girl?" She asked me as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Mom stop! I don't know! I'm trying!" I grunted in frustration. I stood up and walked to the green room. I collapsed onto a couch. I heard the door open. Great. Another person.

"Mads?" Zack called for me. My back was facing him. I turned around. "Your mom told what happened." I sighed as he sat down next to me. "Why are you like this?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I normally don't have to try that hard to get the steps, but today I can't get this one step." I sighed looking down at the floor.He put his hand on top of mine and I looked up at him.

"Be honest with me. Are you upset I have a duet with Elisabeth?" He asked me. I nodded and he kissed my cheek. "You shouldn't be. I don't like her."

"I know but she likes you." I reminded him.

"Yeah I know. All morning in rehearsal she was trying to kiss me and I kept telling her I have a girlfriend, who's in the other room, who I love, and who would kill me if she kissed me. She eventually got so annoyed by my response, she asked if we could choreograph a kiss into the dance." Zack chuckled. I just stared at him.

"That's supposed to make me feel better?!" I asked him, slightly annoyed.

"I wasn't finished. Ricky said 'aw heck no. Those two are my OTP. Besides, Madison would kill me.'" Zack smirked. I giggled and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"That didn't make me feel any better. All I got from that was that Elisabeth won't give up, and you and Ricky know I'd kill you both."

"What you should of gotten from that, was that I like you wayyyy to much to let her ruin our relationship. Which means nothing will happen. Which means, you shouldn't worry about that, and let that hold you back from your dancing." Zack explained. I looked at him, perplexed. "I know that's what's holding you back. That thought keeps running through the back of your mind. And it shouldn't."

"You're the best boyfriend ever." I hugged him.

"I know, I'm fabulous. Now go practice." He laughed. I kissed his cheek and stood up. I started by getting the beats, just by shuffling my foot. Once I had those down, I tried doing the mini jump while tapping. I fell flat on my butt and Zack ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me grabbing both my hands, and pulling me up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I stood up and brushed myself off. I grabbed a stool and brought it over to where I was practicing. "Okay now let try this." I lightly laughed, and put my hands on the stool for balance. You got this. I took a deep breath, and tried again. I stumbled a little, but didn't fall. I nodded and tried again. I didn't stumble, and I didn't fall.

"Mads, you did it!" Zack hugged me.

"With a stool." I reminded him. "I'm pretty sure, I'm not allowed to bring a stool on stage with me." I chuckled. He shrugged and Tua walked in.

"Hey, Zack? Elisabeth is looking for you." She said walking up. I rolled my eyes and kept trying the tap step.

"Um, do you know why?" He asked her.

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