Chapter 18

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12:30pm Tutoring

I nervously tapped my pencil to the beat of the one footed wing on my desk, while reading my history textbook.

"Madison, stop with the tapping!" Hadley laughed.

"Sorry I'm just really nervous." I apologized, setting my pencil down. She closed her textbook and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Girl don't be nervous. You're legit one of the most talented dancers here. So What if tap isn't your strongest style? You'll still kill it out there." She smiled warmly at me. I returned the smile and thanked her as Elisabeth walked in.

"Hi Elisabeth." I lightly smiled. Even though we aren't friends, it doesn't mean I can't be friendly to her right?

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"Just saying hi." I sighed. I guess I can't be friendly.

"My dance with Zack is great. Ricky keeps gushing about how much chemistry we have. Wonder why you didn't get picked. Probably wasn't believable enough." Elisabeth laughed. I rolled my eyes before I answered.

"Well I'm sure it's a great number."

"Oh it is. I'm sure we'll win tonight." She continued. I stood up and put my things in my bag.

"Well good luck." I tensely smiled and walked away.

"We don't need luck. That's how good we are." She called after me. I just walked faster and heard Hadley walking behind me.

"Ugh can you believe that girl." Hadley said after she caught up to me.

"I know. I'm sick of it." I agreed, opening the green room doors.

"Like we get it. You like Zack. But back off. Are you his girlfriend? Nope! Bye!" Hadley laughed as Zack walked in.

"I don't like her!" He exclaimed walking up to me. I laughed and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know but we just had the best conversation with your dance partner." I said sarcastically.

"Oh god, I don't even want to know." He lightly laughed.

"It was pretty bad." Hadley joined in, setting her bag down. I nodded in agreement and glanced at the clock. 12:43

"I gotta go! I have final rehearsal in 2 minutes. Bye!" I grabbed my dance bag and ran out of the room. I made it to the stage just in time.

"Nice of you to join me." Molly laughed.

"I'm so sorry. I was talking to my friends and got sidetracked." I apologized as I slipped on my tap shoes.

"Don't worry about it kid. Show me what you got." She started the music as I stepped on stage. Shuffle up down buffalo (idk dance terminology so imagine stuff)   

This is it. You can do this Madison. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath once the song ended. I heard Molly walk up the stairs to the stage. I opened my eyes and she put her hands on my shoulders.

"You're nervous. I can tell when you dance you're not yourself right now. You wanna know why? I've seen you dance. And so have those judges. Why are you not yourself?" She asked me.

"I'm just nervous for having a solo I guess." I admitted. She wrapped me in a hug.

"Don't be. You're amazing Madison. The only one who doesn't think so is you. Just go for it tonight sweetie!" She motivated me.

"Thank you. I won't disappoint you." I thanked her. She patted my back and let go of me.

"Now- enough of this sappy crap. We need to practice! We have 20 minutes left to work out all the little kinks. What are you most not very confident about in the solo?" She asked me sitting down on the edge of the stage. I sighed sitting down next to her, letting my feet hang off the lip of the stage.

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