Chapter 26

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"Good morning, ladies!" My mom walked in turning on the lights. I rolled over onto my back and Brianna sat up.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"Six fifty." My mom replied, tossing our clothes to us. "In other words, late." She winked at us and we ran to get changed. I came out of the bathroom and swapped places with Brianna. I started putting up my hair and sat down next to my mom.

"Have you talked to dad today?" I asked.

"Not today. Kyle has a game, and M has some very important party apparently, so he dropped her off at the mall before the game." She rolled her eyes.

"What's the party for?" I grabbed my phone from the charger.

"Who knows!" My mom laughed and I smiled.

"So by "very important" she means it's an end of year party at someone's house where she wants to hook up with someone?" I guessed.

"Oh she better not mean that." My mom said grabbing my phone from me.

"Hey! I didn't say I was going to the party!" I defended and she put my phone in her bag. Brianna walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her bag.

"Let's go!" Mom smiled.

The cafeteria tables were becoming less spread out. We started with six and now have two. All the girls were sitting with each other while the moms sat at the other table. All the other girls were at the table and Brianna and I quickly grabbed some food and joined them. As soon as we sat down, Jeff walked in.

"Ladies can I have your attention please?" Everyone looked up at him. "The rules clearly state that outside contact was allowed, as long as no information about the competition was being released. This rule has been broken by someone in the competition, who will remain unnamed. In light of the situation, a new rule is in place. No outside contact is allowed from this point on. The only people allowed to be contacted are your household family members, by your mothers. If this rule is broken, you will be asked to leave. Are we clear?" Jeff announced. We all quietly responded with "yes sir" and he left. I walked over to my mom.

"This isn't fair. Now I don't get contact with anybody?" I complained.

"I guess not." She sighed, taking a bite of her breakfast.

"I got mad at Nick the last time I texted him. Now he going to think I hate him." I slumped down.

"No he won't. He knows you're busy. He'll understand." She took another bite.

"I know. I just miss them." I sighed.

"I know sweetie. You have to go finish your breakfast though, you're running out of time." She sent me away. I quickly finished eating as we all tried to figure out who gave out information.

"I don't think it was one of us. We're rarely on our phones, and when we are, the last thing we want to talk about is the competition." Lexine spoke up.

"Right, but if we didn't do it, who did?" I asked. Asia looked over at the moms and we all nodded.

"Makes sense. My mom literally tells everyone everything. She probably made some rant to our neighbor about Abby's comment last night." Hadley rolled her eyes, shoving a piece of pancake in her mouth.

"Or it could have been Elisabeth. I mean, she was REALLY mad last night." Amanda mentioned. We all nodded again.

"It makes sense. Honestly, I don't care who did it, I just wanna text my friends." Brianna shrugged.

"Like Aidan???" I winked and nudged her.

"Shut up!" She laughed and shoved me away from her.

"Who's Aidan?" Jordyn piped up, suddenly interested.

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