Chapter 33

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"Madison, time to get up." My mom gently shook me. I groaned and sat up.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"Five fifty two." My mom checked her watch.

"Okay. Why am I awake then?" I asked, laying my head back down on my pillow.

"Because, apparently there's a very important meeting at six thirty for all the dancers." My mom pulled me back up. I groaned again and got up. As I got ready, I wondered why I decided to stay out until midnight, knowing it was competition day, and who would go home today. While I hoped it was Asia, a little part of me knew that her solo would get her through elimination, like it does every week. I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye to Amanda or Brianna- or the maybe even the competition.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Amanda laughed as I sat down. I glanced down at my phone- six thirty four.

"Oops?" I shrugged, and started eating. "When's this meeting starting?" I asked no one in particular.

"Right now." I turned around, and saw Jeff standing there. "Good morning ladies, happy competition day. Tonight will go as usual, where we will say goodbye to one of our dancers. Starting tomorrow, things will be different. As we told you all, the final three will be here until June twenty third, and as you know, it is June seventh. Tomorrow, the final three will be taking dance classes here, to help make the competition that much harder. The classes will range from ballet to hip hop, and will take place until June eighteenth, and rehearsals for the final competition will begin the nineteenth. Any questions?" Jeff explained. We all shook our heads and he continued. "Four days of rehearsals is more than you've gotten this entire competition, and the twenty third will be strictly for interviews and the competition that evening. Have a great show today everyone, and good luck!" Jeff finished, and left.

"So, we all get training?" Asia asked us, just as confused as the rest of us.

"I guess so, but I don't understand why." I answered her question.

"It's basically for the TV purposes. It won't be recorded or anything, but the judges will have a harder time choosing, if you all have clearly improved from this week." Jen explained, overhearing our conversation.

"I love being here and being apart of this, but why are we dragging it on for an extra ten days if we don't have to?" Amanda muttered after Jen left.

"I just want to see my friends back home and tell them everything." Brianna agreed.

"Me too, I just want to call Nick and Riley." I sighed, thinking of what they were doing. It's the first day of summer for them so they're probably at Daytona Beach, like we do every year.

"And Zack." Asia spoke for the first time this morning.

"Okay! Unnecessary!" I laughed along with everyone else at the table.

"Be a breath of fresh air, Madison! Don't overreact, be natural!" Ricky shouted corrections as I danced. I climbed my ladder and ended on the top step, where my landing will be during the show. I climbed back down and grabbed my water bottle. "Your technique, is flawless. The releve is high, the jumps are even, almost all your corrections have been fixed. You're just missing the emotion, and I can't be the one to fix that." He said, suddenly serious.

"I know, it's not that I'm not feeling the song it's just-"

"No that's exactly what it is." He interrupted. "That's okay, but it won't make you past the top four. I know you want to win this, and I know you can. You just have to feel the dance, the song, and figure out how it makes you feel and show it." He explained, still stern. I nodded.

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