Chapter 25

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Outside the studio, 9:06pm

I stepped outside and looked around for my car. My mom found Mark and waved me over.

"Hey Mr. Mark!" I smiled, setting my bag and costume in the trunk.

"Hi Madison. How was rehearsal?" He asked opening the door for me.

"It was good. Going a lot better than it was last week!" I said, relaxing into my seat.

"Oh good. I hope tomorrow goes better than the other night." He smiled as he buckled his own seat belt.

"Me too."

I unlocked the door and turned on the lights. I immediately belly flopped onto my bed from exhaustion.

"Somebody's tired!" My mom laughed.

"Extremely." I groaned, sitting up.

"Come on get up! You've gotta help me finish up your costume." She laid out all the jewels, fabrics, hot glue, spray paint and plastic tubes that L.A had to offer.

"What's this for?" I asked picking up one of the tubes.

"It's going to be your futuristic skirt!" She explained, handing me a glue gun. I stared at her. "It was Kelly's idea. I just rolled with it."

"Makes sense." I laughed as I put on music. We were rhinestoning and singing until about 11:45.

"Alright kiddo. What do you think?" She held up the costume.

"I love it! And the skirt looks pretty cool." I admitted. It wasn't a full skirt, it looked like rings on a planet.

"I think so too! So we'll curl your hair, and I picked up some silver lipstick for you. I think you're set." She smiled, setting down the costume.

"Perfect. This is exactly what I needed tonight. Thank you." I gave her a huge hug and headed back to my bed.

I woke up the next morning feeling very energized. I pulled out my phone to see how everyone back home was doing.

Mads😊😂: barely!
Riles🌺💕: why what's happening?
Nick🐸: talk to us
Mads😊😂: You know I cant tell you what's happening! the time I need to talk to y'all the most is the time I can't
Nick🐸: I'm sorry bit. I wish we could help
Riles🌺💕: oh hun im sorry. can i just fly up there already and hug you?
Mads😊😂: girl i wish. it's been an interesting few weeks.
Nick🐸: youre telling me.
Mads😊😂: what's that mean?
Nick🐸: nvm
Riles🌺💕: okay well here's what everyone's saying:
Everyone wants to know who Zack is and what the deal between y'all is especially since he's from NM and all that and Nick has gotten asked out by like 4 girls since you're officially off the market and said no to all of them because HE'S STUPID and there's been like 6 fights at school. The end.
Nick🐸: bc I barely know them...I don't just start dating someone after learning their names.
Mads😊😂: wow okay, i have to go. bye
Nick🐸: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that
Mads😊😂: it's fine. bye

My own best friend. Whatever, he's probably just mad because I haven't been talking to him

I got out of bed and took a shower. I put my hair up in a ponytail and did my usual make up. Mom was on the phone with dad as always.

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