Chapter 19

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4:36 Vanity Room Competition 3

"And...done!" Brianna said, as she clipped in a red feathery bow.

"Awesome! Thank you!" I thanked her.

"Stop talking Madison!" Hadley laughed as she applied my dark red lipstick. I held back my laughter and opened my mouth again.

"Hadley hurry up! You have to get ready too!" Yvette called for Hadley.

"I'll be done in a minute mom!" Hadley called back.

"You go, I can finish it from here." I told Hadley. She handed me my lipstick and ran off. I quickly finished the top lip, applied a little silver eyeshadow, and put on some mascara. I ran to change into my costume, which consisted of fishnet tights, a black sparkly flapper style dress, and my black Oxford tap shoes.

I walked back out into the vanity, and walked to my mom. She turned around and smiled at me.

"You look so pretty honey." She gushed. I blushed and thanked her, as she took a picture of me. Zack walked over and kissed my cheek. I saw my mom snap a picture of us. I jokingly rolled my eyes and walked away with him.

"You're mom's right. You look really pretty in that. Like always." Zack flirted. I giggled and blushed uncontrollably. He winked at me and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. How does he do this to me?

"Thank you." I managed to say. He chuckled and draped his arm around my neck.

"10 to show! Order is Lexine, then the ballet trio, then Madison, then the lyrical trio, and closing is the duet." A woman called.

"I'm closing the show!" Zack groaned.

"Don't worry. You'll end with your amazingness." I comforted. He nodded and we sat down on the couch, as the TV was turned on. We saw audience members getting settled in their seats. I saw some people with signs. One read "GO AISA! ROCK THE STAGE" and another read "SLAY MY LIFE JORDYN" I sighed, wishing my family and friends lived close enough to see the shows.

"Alright! Lexine, take your place backstage!" The lady yelled back. Lexine stood up from her chair and we all wished her luck. She walked backstage and Kevin started the introduction. Lexine started her solo and it was really good! She had a lot of tricks and some technical moves. When she came back, everybody congratulated her.

"Okay, Asia, Jordyn, and Amanda, you go on in 5! Madison, you're on deck!" The backstage manager yelled.

"You got this girls!" I hugged Amanda and Jordyn as they walked out. I stood up and marked my dance behind the couch. I watched their trio and Asia was just not up to pare with Amanda and Jordyn. They came back and I hugged each of them.

"Madison, 5 minutes! Lyrical trio on deck!" She yelled out. I took a deep breath and Hadley,Jordyn, Amanda, and Brianna hugged me.

"Go tap the crap out of that stage." Zack whispered into my hair. I lightly laughed and hugged him tightly. I walked backstage with my mom.

"Just roll with it honey. I know you got it in you. You just have to know that." My mom hugged me.

"And with our third dance of the night, here's Madison with a tap solo!" Kevin introduced me. I took a deep breath and walked onstage. My music started and I went for it. I nailed all my steps. Here it comes. Just do it. I nailed the one footed wing! I saw Molly beaming in the audience. I finished the dance with the most amount of energy and emotion I had. The audience applauded and cheered, and I saw Molly stand up clapping. I smiled and Kevin handed me the mic.

"I thoroughly enjoyed the dance. It was a very difficult routine and you went with it. It's a routine I would give my Maddie." Abby smiled. I smiled really wide.

"It was really good. But you're emotion, is what I had the issue with. You seemed a little scared in the beginning but halfway through on a difficult step, you gave me all power! Stay like that girl!" Richie critiqued.

"Wow... That dance was fabulous." Robin complimented and I smiled so wide.

"Thank you so much!" I handed the mic back and ran off stage to my mom. I hugged my mom really tight.

"I knew you could do it!" She beamed. I noticed she was crying a little.

"Aw momma." I laughed. I walked to the vanity and ran to Zack. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He spun me around and then set me down.

"Mads, that was AMAZING!!" He hugged me. I started crying. This time, it was a happy cry. Hadley ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, along with Amanda, Brianna, and Jordyn. I wished Brianna, Hadley, and Tua luck on their way out. I sat next to Zack on the couch and rested my head on his shoulder. The lyrical trio was pretty good, but Tua was just lost. The girls came back in and I hugged all of them.

"Duet in 5!"

Zack stood up and I gave him a hug.

"Go lyrical the crap out of that stage." I giggled. He winked and I kissed his cheek. "Good luck Elisabeth." I weakly smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and walked out. I sat down in between Hadley and Brianna, Jordyn sitting in my lap, and Amanda at our feet.

"And our final number of the night is a lyrical duet. Here's Zack, and Elisabeth." They started their routine and it was actually really good. Obviously zack was better though. And Abby agreed with that. So did Richie  and Robin. Zack and Elisabeth came back in, Elisabeth moping. Jordyn got off my lap, and I hugged Zack.

"You did amazing." I told him. I could tell he was relieved. He let go of me and took both of my hands.

"Not as amazing as you." He winked. I blushed and looked up at him. I got up on my toes and pecked him on the lips really quickly. His eyes opened wide and I blushed really embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that. I don't know what I was-" he cut me off by kissing me. And not just a peck, like for real. We broke apart and I looked up at Zack. "Was that just a nice way of telling me to shut up?" I asked him.

"Yeah. But it's okay. I liked it." He winked.

"I did too." I smiled. We sat down on the couch, hand in hand. The TV was turned off and we were all chatting.

"So.......I saw some lip locking action over there." Brianna wiggled her eyebrows.

"Seriously?!" Jordyn squealed.

"Me too!" Hadley joined in.

"FINALLY!" Jordyn shouted. I laughed at one of my best friends.

"I even got a picture!" Amanda grinned mischievously.

"No!!!!" I whined.

"Yes!!" Hadley laughed.

"Alright everyone, let's go!" The woman called out. We all got up and followed her out. My mom squeezed my shoulder before I stepped onto the stage behind Zack. We lined up and Zack grabbed my hand. I gave it a little squeeze and Abby started talking.

"Madison, Hadley, Brianna, Amanda, step forward." We all stepped forward.

"You girls are safe. Go join your mothers." Richie smiled. We let out a huge sigh of relief and hugged each other. I hugged Zack and Jordyn, then walked over to my mom. She gave me a huge hug and I continued watching.

"Jordyn, Zack, Elisabeth, and Lexine." Robin called. They stepped forward. I squeezed Brianna's hand.

"You are all safe. Go join your mothers." Richie smiled. They all smiled and hugged each other. Zack came over and hugged me. I kissed his cheek and he grabbed my other hand.

"That means, Tua and Asia are on the chopping block. Moms, come join your daughters please." Kevin said. The two moms walked over.

"Okay, Asia, you gave us the emotion, but next to Amanda and Jordyn, you just didn't look very good." Abby said. The audience booed. "And Tua, you were just lost the whole number! You kept looking at Hadley and Brianna!" Abby continued.

"Both of you need to work on your technique." Robin added.

"Tua, today is not your day." Abby sighed. Tua started crying and Asia hugged her mom. We all left the stage and said our goodbyes to them. Shortly after they left.

Week 3 done.

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