Chapter 6

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Stage 10:09am

"Alright everyone take 2 minutes for water." Anthony dismissed us after almost 2 hours of learning the combos. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and walked down to the audience where my mom was.

"You doing good?" She asked me as she handed me my water bottle. I nodded and she fixed my bun for me.

"Thank you." I breathed as I took another sip. She smiled and took my water back.

"Alright go back. You got this." She kissed my head. "Ew you're sweaty." She laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her and walked back.

"Alright. Take Abby's combo from the top. Music!" Anthony yelled. The music started and we did our 8 counts of improve and all started the routine.

"Sorry to interrupt, but time is up dancers. Prepared to be judged." Kevin and the judges walked in. The judges took their seats and Richie's music started. I focused on the choreography and tried to nail it as much as I could.

"alright. Good. Madison, you nailed the choreography. Some of the best work up there. But you didn't give me face." He critiqued. I nodded "Jordyn... YASS girl! You were giving it to me! You too Asia!" He finished and we started the next one which was Rachel's.

"Nice everyone. Zack, great job on making the moves more masculine." She complimented. Abby's music started and I tried my hardest on that one.

"Okay. Madison, beautiful technique. But you didn't smile once! Do you not want to be here? Same with you Nicole!Brianna, if I walked into an audition and the girl next to me was wearing the exact same thing as I was, I would go and change. That does for you too Amanda K." Abby critiqued.

"Okay dancers. Give the judges sometime to deliberate. Head to the green room with your moms. We all headed to the greenroom and sat down and immediately started talking.

"Well I hate my face." I groaned.

"Don't even. Not a word to me from Abby or Rachel. At least you got two." Jordyn whined.

"You don't even! The only thing I got, was a critique about my clothes." Brianna sighed.

"Yeah you got a 'YASS' from Richie. So shush." Zack said leaning back on the couch. We giggled and took out our phones. Asia came over and sat on Jordyn's lap.

"Hey Asia." We all smiled. She waved and took Jordyn's phone.

"Uh no." Jordyn took her phone back.

"How long have you known each other?" I asked.

"Well we've done a few dance jobs together." Jordyn explained. I nodded and took a selfie with all of them and posted it on Instagram. 'With my amazing new friends😂💕 @zacktorres @jordyn01 @bribrihaire @asiamonetray_' they all liked the picture and they took some. Asia got off Jordyn's lap and that side of the couch got crowed. Zack came over to Brianna and I's side and at next to me. I took a selfie with him, wrote 'with this weirdo😂', and posted it on snapchat. He took one and added it to his.

"Alright everyone! The judges have made their decisions. Two of you re going home. Please follow me." Kevin told us. We all got up and walked to the stage. The moms sat in the audience. My mom held up her crossed fingers. I weakly smiled and looked at the judges.

"When you hear you're name, please step forward. Asia. Hadley. Elisabeth. Jordyn. Zack. Tessa. Kyleigh Jai. Amanda C. Lexine. Tua." Richie said. I looked at Brianna and she also looked very nervous.

"Congratulations. You are all safe." Abby smiled. They all hugged each other and Brianna grabbed my hand. I squeezed it and she did the same.

"Will the moms of these four girls please come to the stage?" Kevin asked. Mom walked up and put her hands on my shoulders.

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