Chapter 24

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12:30 am, Madison's hotel room

I laid on my bed, with my headphones on, blaring one direction. I felt my bed shift and I opened my eyes and saw my mom there. I took out my earbuds, paused my music and sat up.

"Hey honey." She whispered. I started bawling and she wrapped me in a hug. "Shh. It's okay. Momma's here." She comforted me.

"Of all ways he went home, it had be because of a dance off between me and him." I cried.

"I know, I know, but guess what? You'd be crying a lot harder if you got eliminated AND had to say goodbye to Zack." She said rubbing my back. She's right. I want to win this competition more than anything. I nodded and she tucked me into bed.

"Get some sleep. You have a long couple of weeks coming up, and I can see the fire in your eyes now." She kissed my forehead and turned off my light.

She was right again. I'm not going home.

I woke up the next morning and showered. I looked in the mirror as I put on makeup and saw my puffy face. I applied extra concealer today, hoping to calm the redness. I went out to the main area and saw dad on the Ipad.

"Hey daddy." I waved, sitting next to mom.

"Hey pumpkin. How ya feeling?" He asked me.

"Like I can't go home." I smiled.

"Oh I like that feeling." He laughed. "You've always been one to keep your promises."

"And I plan to keep that streak going!" My mom wrapped her around my shoulder.

"I love this new attitude. Have a great day today, and let me know how it goes! Love you both!" He hung up. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Ready?" I asked my mom. She motioned me to sit back down.

"Are you sure you're okay? You were a mess last night. It's okay to be upset still."

"I'm obviously upset, but I can't do anything about it. I have to keep going and I have to win now more than ever." I explained, trying to stand up.

"I just don't want you pushing your feelings down." She said, grabbing my arm and leading be back down.

"I'm not. I just have a competition to focus on. Trust me, I'll cry when we come back. I promise." I gave a small smile.

"Oh you do keep your promises." She winked and stood up. "Let's go then!"

The dining hall was filled with chatter and smiles about making it through. I grabbed my usual fruit bowl and sat down with my group.

"Hey Mads." They all sympathetically smiled.

"Hi!" I smiled taking a bite.

"Are you okay?" Jordyn whispered to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and gave her a small nod.

"I will be." I gave her a hug and we finished breakfast. The schedule for the day was sent out and we headed to the challenge.

"Good morning dancers!" Kevin walked in. "Today we are going to have a mini challenge, with a large reward." We all clapped.

"This week's skill is strength. Show me the power you have." Abby explained.

Great, a challenge of strength when I'm at my weakest.

"Dancers, you will have twenty minutes to learn this combination from one of our on site choreographers, Molly." Kevin introduced. We all clapped for her and our time began.

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