Chapter 35

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My alarmed beeped and I immediately turned it off. I sat up in my bed, letting it all sink in. Everything I've worked for these past two months is about to pay off.

"Madison, come on! A camera crew will be here in 15." My mom called out for me. I swung my legs over the bed and grabbed a dance outfit with a cover up. I pulled on the denim shorts and graphic tee on over the dance outfit, and went to the main area.

"Good morning!" I beamed as I walked in. My mom smiled proudly and gave me a hug.

"Good morning honey! So Jen just texted that she'll be up here in five and that they just want some shots of you calling dad and telling him you made it, even though he already knows, they just want the footage I guess." She explained.

"Alright." I smiled and scrolled through Instagram. Eventually, Jen knocked on the door and I answered. I opened the door and saw only two camera people with her.

"Good morning!" I smiled and they all returned the hello. They came in and my mom FaceTimed dad.

"Hi daddy!" I waved. He smiled at me and I looked behind him to see Kyle, M, and my grandparents. "Oh my gosh, hi everyone!"

"HI MADISON!" They all waved. I My mom spoke up.

"Madison has some news..."

"Yeah, we had the competition to see who makes it to the finale...I MADE IT!!!!" I finished, beaming. Everyone cheered and my grandparents were hugging and it was still amazing the second time around, especially my grandparents didn't know.

"Mads! We're so proud of you!" M smiled. They all spoke in agreement.

"Thank you! Okay, I love all of you but I have to go! I'll see you soon!" I waved before signing off. The cameras stopped filming and headed to Brianna's room to do the same, but Jen stayed with us.

"It seems like you have a wonderful family." She lightly smiled.

"Yeah they're the best. I miss them so much. I told them I'd win for them." I lightly laughed.

"Well go keep your promise to them." She smiled, placing her hand on my shoulder. I smiled back and nodded. I grabbed my bag and ran to the elevator, my mom following close behind. I hit the button and pulled out my phone, wanting to text Zack and tell him everything. I knew I couldn't and resisted the urge. I slipped my phone back into my bag as the door opened. I stepped in and my mom hit the lobby button. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"You're going to do great this week. I want you to know you can do this. Because we all believe in you. And," she pulled out her phone, "he of all people knows you can do this." my mom said showing me a picture of Zack holding up a sign that's hanging on my mirror from him. I smiled and my eyes got glossy.

"That sign was hanging on my mirror after he left." I let tear drip. "I miss him."

"I know you do, but you can talk to him in a few days." My mom wiped away my tear.

"I'll call him after I win." I look up at her. She gives me and kissed my head. The elevator doors opened and we walked to our car.

After breakfast, Brianna and I walked onto the stage to find Asia warming up. She ran up and hugged me.

"Hi Madison!" She smiled. I hugged her back.

"Hey girlie!" I laughed and she gave Brianna a hug too. We all beamed as we looked around.

"I can't believe we made it here." Brianna sighed looking at the judges table.

"I know. It's surreal." I soaked it all in. Abby and Kevin walked in, and we realized we had been filming.

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