Chapter 11

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9:07pm after the show, lounge

Tessa walked down the stairs with all her stuff and we all ran to hug her.

"I don't want you to go." KJ cried.

"I don't want to go either." She cried. I hugged Tessa and Jeff came out.

"Remember kids, no talking to eliminated contestants during the course of while your here." He reminded us. We all frowned and hugged her again. She and her mom left shortly after all our goodbyes.

"So since we have a late start tomorrow morning, you guys wanna go to the beach?" Jordyn suggested.

"Yes!" I agreed immediately. I really love the beach. We all asked our moms if we could go tonight. Our parents agreed and we left the competition sight.

We got to the hotel and we ran to our rooms. As soon as I got in I face timed my dad.

"DAD I MADE IT TO NEXT WEEK!" I squealed when he answered.

"Oh my god that's amazing! Kyle! Mariah! She made it!" My dad yelled throughout the house. Mariah is my older sister who's been in a student exchange program for a few months.

"Sissy! You made it!" Mariah squealed.

"M! I missed you so much!" I smiled.

"You made it to next week?!" Kyle yelled from the table.

"Yeah I did bud!" I laughed. He ran to the camera.

"That's so cool!"

"Thanks buddy. I gotta go get ready, and you should get some sleep. Bye guys!" I waved. Mom took my seat and I went to my room and changed into a Aqua bikini with a lace like thing over the top. I put on a white sundress and put on sandals. I brushed my hair out and took off all my makeup. I applied deodorant since I probably smelled gross, and was ready to go.

BriBri👸🏼: ready?
Madds💖: yeah. You?
BriBri👸🏼: yah meet me out there in 2?
Madds💖: Kay:)

"Mom you ready?" I asked her.

"Uh yeah. We're taking you guys to Santa Monica pier, at a beach club. So the moms will be having dinner and you guys will be at the beach. And cameras will be at both locations. That okay with you?" She asked me, grabbing her purse.

"Yeah I don't really care." I answered, grabbing a small bag to put my phone and room key in.

"Okay. Let's go." My mom smiled slipping on her shoes. We walked out and met up with Zack and his mom. Brianna came out with her mom. Jordyn skipped out of her room.

"Do you guys wanna have a sleepover?" Jordyn invited me and Brianna. I looked at my mom and she nodded. Ms. Kris did the same.

"Yeah!" We both smiled. Zack stood there awkwardly.

"And you can come too, you just can't sleep over." Jordyn laughed. Ms. Gina nodded and zack agreed. We all ran down to the lobby and got in our cars. This time, it was me, Brianna, and Jordyn in a car with my mom and Ms kris in another, and Zack and his mom in another. It didn't take long to get to the beach club and when we arrived, a banner that said 'CONGRATULATIONS DANCERS' was hanging. We all ran into the sand and our moms went inside. I took my sundress off and put it on a chair. The girls did the same and Zack just took his cover shirt off.

"I like your bathing suit...not like that... Not that you don't look good... Because you do... But not in a gross way." Zack complimented me, flustered. I giggled.

"Thank you." I giggled more.

"You think the waters cold?" I asked.

"One way to find out." He smiled mischievously. He picked me up and fireman's carried me into the water and dropped me gently into the cold water. The whole way I was kicking and squealing. When I came up I coughed and wiped the salt water form my eyes. He innocently smiled and I splashed him. He splashed me back and I saw from the corner of my eye, a camera man come down to the water.

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