Chapter 31

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Sitting at breakfast the next morning, I have an ice pack taped around my ankle. Brianna sits down next to me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm okay." I said stubbornly.

"I'm not one of the moms. I actually care if you're hurting, and not because I want you to go home. I care because you're my friend." She sympathized.

"No, I know. I'm sorry. Thank you, I'm gonna be fine." I smiled and took a bite. Jordyn yawned as she sat down across from us.

"Someone's tired." Brianna giggled.

"And late!" Amanda piped up. I glanced at my watch. 7:54

"Oh my gosh, Jordyn. Girl, we have six minutes till final rehearsal where were you?" I asked, also losing track of time.

"I was up all night trying to stretch. I'm not that flexible and I tried to improve it overnight." She yawned again, taking multiple bites of her food at once.

"Don't choke! You still have like five minutes before we have to go. Here, take the rest of this." I handed her the other half of my smoothie, since I had already had my fruit cup.

"Thank you." She said taking a swig. I started clearing my plate, and took everyone else's plates to the sink. I walked back to the table and grabbed my dance bag and waved goodbye to everyone.

As I walked into rehearsal I sat down and started unwrapping my foot.

"What are you doing?" My mom asked me.

"Uh unwrapping my foot?" I stated the obvious.

"Deal was you're marking everything until the competition. You can keep it wrapped." She said sternly. I sighed, removed the ice pack, and started to rewrapped my ankle as Gina walked in.

"Is it still bothering you?" She asked me, looking concerned.

"Uh yeah. If it's okay, can I mark like leaps, and turns and all that stuff just for rehearsal?" I asked her shyly.

"I'd expect you to." She warmly smiled and started my music.

Sitting in the dressing room, this week was definitely the most dramatic for everyone. Kelly was screaming at Jordyn to "point the damn foot", Amanda's mom is telling her to bring the "Latin fire"-constantly, Asia and Kristie were arguing about stretching, Brianna was freaking out about her makeup, and I was trying not to cry as I did my makeup because of my ankle. One of the on site makeup artists, Sally, was gluing jewels to my face, outlining my eyebrows, in the style of Bollywood. I started to tear up and breathe heavily.

"What's wrong?" My mom asked, rubbing my back. I took a deep breath and refused to let a tear fall.

"Can you just get me a paper towel please?" I asked quietly, my face turning red. She nodded and walked to the restroom.

"Don't cry sweetheart. We don't want to ruin your pretty makeup." Sally smiled, and continued to glue tiny gems to my face. I let out a small laugh and tried to calm down. My mom came back with a paper towel and I was calm, just a little stressed. I patted my face and took a sip of water. They called five to places, and I sat down on the couch and started unwrapping my ankle.

"Amanda, head to the stage!" We all wished her luck and the TV turned on, showing the intro to the live show. Everyone else settled into the couch, except for Asia who was finally stretching. I scooted to the floor and went into a straddle, and was joined by a nervous Jordyn.

"You're gonna be great." I comforted her.

"But not as great as everyone else." She sighed, stretching her left leg.

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