Chapter 22

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I walked into my trio rehearsal and started warming up. Asia and Lexine walked in the room chatting.

"Hey girls!" I smiled as I stretched out my back. The both waved as they set their bags down. Their moms went and sat with my mom. Anthony walked in and greeted us and we quickly started working.

30 min later
"No no no! Stop the music!" Anthony shouted for what felt like the 100th time. "Asia you're off entirely, Madison you looked bored, and Lexine you look out of place!" He yelled. We all stood there in silence and nodded. Anthony sighed. "Go take a water break. Two minutes."

"Thank you two." The three of us said in unison. I walked over to my mom and plopped down in the seat next to her as a chugged my water bottle.

"Madison, you need to focus. You're getting bored." My mom said putting her phone away.

"I know, I just want to move on from the same part." I muttered, hoping Asia wouldn't hear me.

"Well it's a trio. If she looks bad, you all look bad."

"Okay." I stood up and went back to stool for the number. Since the number was a cabaret style, we each had a stool to dance on. Anthony returned and we continued our rehearsal.

I walked into the cafeteria almost 20 minutes late, because Asia fell off her stool twice and we needed more rehearsal after Anthony left. I grabbed my food and found Zack, Brianna, Amanda and Jordyn.

"Hey, where have you been?" Jordyn asked as I sat down in the booth with my tray.

"Rehearsing." I sighed, taking a bite of my salad.

"Rehearsals ended 20 minutes ago, you okay?" Zack asked me. I looked around for Asia and Lexine, who were both sitting on the other side of the room.

"Just dancing with younger kids can be difficult." I said quietly.

"HEY!" Jordyn laughed.

"Not you!" I defended. "Mandy how do you like your solo?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I love it. It's my style, I'm comfortable with it, I think it will go well!" She smiled.

"Good! How's the hip hop?" I asked Brianna and Zack.

"I like it. I think it'll be good." Brianna said.

"Wish I could relate." Zack laughed.

"I'm sure you're great." I reassured him. He gave a half smile and continued to eat. I grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. "For luck."

After many hours of standing on the stool the day was finally over. Everyone exited the rehearsal halls and met outside the building. Brianna walked up to me with Jordyn and Hadley following quickly behind her.

"How'd the rest of the day go?" Brianna asked me.

"We didn't finish the dance. We spent half of the second rehearsal reviewing what we did the first time." I rolled my eyes.

"That's so annoying." Hadley sighed pulling out her phone.

"Yeah well my duet partner has two left feet." Jordyn nudged Hadley. Hadley laughed and shoved her into me. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Jordyn laughed admitting defeat. I laughed and looked around.

"Hey, where's Zack?" I asked Brianna. She motioned me to come closer.

"He's having a really hard time with this dance. Anthony was giving him so much crap during rehearsal. He didn't show up for tutoring, he was in the hallway rehearsing the whole time. He's not getting this number."

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