Chapter 15

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[Silverpaw's POV]

I woke up from a bad dream. It was back when I was taken away from my family. I still miss Flamekit, Tigerkit, Cheetahkit, and Bluekit. I think of them everyday. I know they got away. I just know it. They are smarter then anyone thinks they are. They probably found a small cave to stay in then made it back to Smallclan. I sighed. I had a new home now. I was in Mapleclan. I was a Mapleclan apprentice now. I looked over to the sleeping form of the white shecat, Moonpaw. She was a beautiful shecat. I liked her. She was the one reason I wasn't going to go looking for my siblings. I would of gone if I didn't meet her. She was so nice. She calmed me down. I looked to the sky and saw the sun starting to rise. I then heard Dimstar calling a meeting. It had only been a moon since Toxicstar had died. I only knew him for a moon too and he was a really nice leader. I really miss him. I nudged Moonpaw awake and walked out to the clearing with her by my side. I sat at the back since the meetings barely included me. Moonpaw sat by me and leaned on me and yawned.

"You woke me..." She mumbled into my fur.

"sorry Moonpaw, but Dimstar was calling a meeting." I said quietly to her.

"There is going to be a gathering tonight. I will be taking Jaypool, Airflight, Hollypaw, Flashfire, Honeystrike, Silverpaw, and Moonpaw!" Dimstar yowled. I smiled brightly. I was going to the gathering! My first ever! I was going with Moonpaw too! I was super happy. "Meet me back at sundown." She added and jumped off High Rock. I was so happy.

"Come on Moonpaw, let's go see if we can go on any patrols with Flashfire and Jaypool." I said. They were our mentors after all. We should ask them first. I padded over to Jaypool. "Hey Jaypool, are there any patrols I can go on?" I asked him. He looked at me then to Moonpaw. I nodded my head slightly so it wasn't that noticeable.

"Yea, go over to Flashfire, he's leading a border patrol to the depthclan border." He said.

"Thank you!" I smiled to him and we went over to Flashfire.

"Jaypool told us we can join your border patrol." Moonpaw said.

"Alright, come on then." Flashfire smiled at us. We followed him with the three other cats. I didn't remember their names at the moment but I knew I should of.

We soon got to the border and I saw five depthclan cats, but I scented six. I didn't say anything. I glared at them though. From what I was told depthclan was an evil clan.

"Come on Silverpaw, keep up." Moonpaw said softly to me. I saw the sixth cat then. She was a white shecat. She looked like Bluekit. I wish I could of seen her face. Bluekit had a grey spot over her one eye. If I could of seen her face I would of known if it was Bluekit or not.

"Did that white shecat just say Silverpaw?" I heard the other white cat say. Maybe she was Bluekit. I couldn't say anything though. Maybe if she was an apprentice she would be at the gathering. I really hoped she would.

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