Chapter 19

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[Bloodtear's POV]

I was the one that made the first attack. It was on a full grown warrior. She was a brown and black shecat. I was also the one that made the loud battle cry. I sent my warriors to go fight and kept metalpaw and maplefur by my side. I could see metalpaw looking around. I knew who he was looking for. He was looking for Flamepaw.

"Go, go help her." I whispered to him. He looked up to me like he couldn't believe what I had just told him. I nodded softly and he ran out to the fight looking for the red-furred shecat and her siblings. I knew how much he loved her and that's why I sent him. I knew if anyone came close to them, dark forest warrior or not, he wouldn't hesitate to attack. I looked around slightly. I couldn't even see Flamepaw. Maybe she had been smart and hid with her siblings. I glanced up to the high rock where the leaders where jumping down to fight. The first one off the rocks was Spokenstar. I smirked. It was my time to get my revenge.

I sneakily ran through the fighting, my black fur hiding me well in the night time. I soon got to Spokenstar and growled. It was time for her to die. If she came back I would just kill her again, and again, and again until she was truly dead. Spokenstar growled back at me and I smirked. I could see the fear in her eyes. I made me happy. She was scared of me. That's what I wanted. I loved it when cats where scared of me.

"What are you doing here Bloodtear?" Spokenstar hissed. I smirked as I saw Maplefur slowly creeping behind her. She knew what I was going to say since I had told her the signal to attack Spokenstar.

"It is time for the star that has been spoken about to die!" I hissed and showed my fangs. I smirked as Maplefur crept low into a crouching position. I saw her tail twitch before it lowered. "Time for the star that has been spoken about to die!" I hissed again and Maplefur jumped onto Spokenstar's back and bit her neck. She didn't bite it hard since she knew I wanted to be the one that killed Spokenstar. I watched the pure fear in her eyes. I smirked. It as my time to attack now. I watched as Maplefur got off of Spokenstar as she laid on the ground breathing hard already. I walked up to her and unsheathed my claws.

"I will never die." She hissed and weakly got up and stared into my eyes. What happened next was extremely unexpected. I didn't even realize it at first. If you would of asked me what was going to happen next before what she did I would of said I was going to claw her throat and watch her die, but no, that didn't happen. She clawed me in the eyes! I yowled and closed my eyes. I heard Spokenstar yowl again. I backed up and tried to focus my eyes but everything was a bit blurry.

[Metalpaw's POV]

It had taken me a while to find Flamepaw and her siblings. They were hidden out of the gathering in the forest in a bigger abandoned badger cave. I could tell by the scent. I walked down. My pelt looked so dark. I saw the red fur of Flamepaw and smiled.

"Flamepaw!" I said and ran down to her. I saw Bluepaw, Tigerpaw, Cheetahpaw, a silver Tom, and a white shecat. I looked at the two I didn't know. Wait, was the silver tom Silverkit? Could it possibly be? I thought he died.

"Metalpaw! I though thou had to fight. What are you doing here?" She asked and saw me looking at 'Silverkit' and the other white shecat. "That's Moonpaw, and Silverpaw, yes, my brother." She smiled brightly. I nodded to them two.

"Oh, um, hello. Hello Tigerpaw, Cheetahpaw, Silverpaw, Bluepaw, and Moonpaw." I said looking at each of them quickly. "I'm Metalpaw, apprentice in the Dark Forest." I said and looked back to Flamepaw. "Bloodtear said I could come and find you and protect you just in case any of the other warriors find you and try to kill you. I couldn't risk it so I came to protect all of you." I smiled and looked at all six of them. That was a lot more then what I had planned for. I thought only four, but I could do this. I would protect all of them. "Quick question though. Who is Moonpaw?" I asked looking at her.

"Oh, um, I am Silverpaw's friend. If he was coming so was I." She said staying next to Silverpaw the whole time.

"Ok, and Silverpaw, how are you still alive? I thought you died!" I told him. I truly thought he died. I was surprised he was still alive.

"Oh, I just managed to keep walking and found a new home..." He said. "Wait, why do you knew me?" He asked.

"I knew Flamepaw as a kit. I had to make sure she was able to be a Dark Forest warrior." I said and smiled at Flamepaw. "The battle should be ending soon. I'll have to go then. I'll see you again tonight." I said and touched Flamepaw's ear with my nose. "Goodbye to the rest of you. I hope to see you again soon. Flamepaw, protect your siblings and Moonpaw. You are a great apprentice already. You must fight to protect them and make sure you keep your family close too." I said. "Now I must really go." I said and looked at all of them again.

"Bye Metalpaw, I'll see you soon." Flamepaw said. I could tell she was trying not to purr. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Goodbye Metalpaw, I'm glad my sister knows someone like you." Tigerpaw said. He was proud of me! I thought he would hate me. I nodded to him too.

"Goodbye Metalpaw, I'm glad we have two cats that will protect us." Bluepaw smiled. I knew she would like me. She likes everyone.

"Bye Metalpaw." Cheetahpaw whispered. I was surprised he even talked to me. That made me feel like even more like family.

"Thank you for your help and protecting my sister." Silverpaw said and bowed his head to me. I smiled.

"Though I'm not part of this family I'm glad you are willing to protect me too. Thank you." Moonpaw smiled. I nodded.

"Goodbye all of you." I said and walked out of the den and went back to the Dark Forest and saw everyone there already.

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