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Kurt entered back into his house, seeing Wolfie asleep on the floor, mare Kurt smile. Kurt slammed the door on acident and the dog jumped up, causing his head to hit the workbench above him. The name laughed and say on his bed, Wolfie soon joining him. The man pet his dog and grabbed his journal. He looked at the time.


Kurt grasped the feather in his hand and slowly dipped it in ink, and began writing again.

September 14th, 2010

The Decorations are finished and tonight we will begin the party.. if the B-Team can finish on time. We'll, it's mostly Bdoubs fault, leaving all the work for the old man. Poor Generik.. anyways... Guude had ordered Z and I to be the main stalk of the party.. which I don't normally do. Thank god I will have Z by my side.


Kurt put away the journal and saw Wolfie peacefully sleeping beside him. Which pleased the calm man. He sat his glasses on the bench as He layed down on his red sheets and stared out of the window in his roof, seeing the stars and the beautiful moon. That's the last thing the Nam saw before he went to sleep.


Kurt was in darkness, his 3-D glasses beside him, but the man acted as if he was blind. He looked around the room and gazed at his glasses, putting them on cautiously.

"Hello?" The curious man called. He then saw a light slowly coming towards him, causing the man to jump a little. "Who's there?" Kurt asked again. He heard spine chilling laugher coming from the light sorce.

"NO ONE YOU NEED WORRYING ABOUT KURTMAC." The voice told him. Kurt scoffed. "What do you want then?" Kurt asked. He heard the laugher again, the white light was now in his face.

"WHAT DO I WANT? MANKIND'S DEMISE!" Kurt then jumped as the glow, was actually-

Kurt jolted awake. He felt his head and looked at his bench, seeing the Glasses he always wore, and the time.


Kurt sighed and slowly moved his body to the edge of the bed, careful not to make up the sleeping puppy beside him, which he failed miserably at. The puppy jolted awake and barked. Kurt laughed as Wolfie jumped on him and licked his glasses of his nose. Kurt went into his pocket and pulled out another pair of 3-D glasses, bit smaller then his, and sat them onto Wolfie's nose, the dog turning his head in confusion, and sticking out his tounge derpilly. Kurt laughed, but then remembered the Nightmare he had, but couldn't remember who he saw..

"Alright boy. Come on let's get se breakfast at Beef's. I'm sure that he'll be awake at 11 in the morning." Wolfie barked as they both wondered out the door, and towards the 'Cluckin Chickin' for some breakfast. They wondered in, amd saw a man, with brown hair, blue shit with a bloodied apron, and blue pants with a butcher knife in his hand. The man greeted Kurt and Wolfie with a smile.

"Hi Kurt.. Wolfie.. come to have some breakfast I suppose?" The man asked. Kurt smiled as Wolfie's glasses fell off his nose, causing the puppy's mind to wonder.

"Yes sir Beef. The regular." Kurt sat Wolfie down, as he say down also. A few minutes later Beef came back with a platter of chicken, and a bunch of bones and steaks for Wolfie.

"Thanks Beef. Excited bout the party tonight?" Kurt asked Beef. Beef nodded his head.

"Very." Beef answered simply. As Beef walked away, Kurt heard Wolfie chomping down his breakfast. As he was about to dig into his, the door opened, and three mysterious figures walked in. There was a man dressed in all orange with Lapis sticking out of both pockets, a man dressed in pure Black with Purple colored eyes, and a man whom wore a pair of blue overalls, a red shirt, and a red hat that had a M on the front.

"We'd love some fastbreak please." The man in orange said to Beef. The man in black nudged him.

"It's Breakfast MC not Fastbreak." He told him. The one in black turned towards Kurt, and smiled.

"Morning Kurt." He said. Wolfie got up and charged the man in black, causing him to be swept off his feet and land with a thump!

"Nebris!" Called the mario man. Nebris laughed.

"Oh Wolfie. It's quite alright Seth, Heya boy." Nebris said, patting the dogs head before getting up. The three of them looked at Kurt and Seth asked,

"Mind if we join you?" Kurt smiled and replied,

"Not at all," before grabbing Wolfie by the chest and lifting him onto Kurt's lap.

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