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He slept peacefully in his back room of his castle. Once he had enough people, he can eat. He heard a knock at his door and then saw Herobrine appear. He smiled.

"WHAT HAVE YOU BROUGHT ME HEROBRINE, I'M LOOSING PATIONCE!" He said angrily. Herobrine showed him the still body of 16 year old, Mhykol. He smiled and laughed.

"Nightmare Notch? Do you have any sort of want for these Mindcrackers?" Herobrine asked. Nightmare Notch laughed.

"Yes. After the Canadian hunger games winner you gave me settled well, I wanted More so I could for fill our wants and needs." He told him. Herobrine smiled and dragged Mhykol to the back room, also seeing Nebris uncauntious as well. Hooking Mhykol's rists to the shackles, Herobrine left them.


Paul woke up with a headache, not bad, but kinda ruthless. He saw the others on top of him, and pushed them off, catching a breather! He then remembered something. Paul's eyes went wide and woke up the others.

"Wh-wh-what? What do you mean Mhykol's gone? He-he can't be- oh no." Kurt stuttered. On the tree beside them was a crack in the tree, there was a message in blood.

"FO-RG-ET! FO-RG-ET! FO-RG-ET THEM!" It read. The others stared at the tree blankly, an akward silence appeared. Paul finally broke it ake few minutes later.

"Herobrine has Mhykol. That sick, son of a BITCH!" Paul cursed under his breath and Kurt put put hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find him. We promise you!" Kurt said. Pak was still on the floor, ring to remember what happened before he fell. Pak looked at the two, giving them the, 'I've got nothing' look!

"Dammit!" Kurt cursed.


Nebris slowly came to cauntious, seeing the black room around him, sent chills down the man's spine. Nebris looked to his side and saw Mhykol passed out. Nebris shot a concerned look Mhykol's way.

"Mhykol? When did he get here? If.. he didn't get here before me. It's a possibility." Nebris thought to himself. Mhykol moaned and squinted his eyes open, panicking a little after trying to move his hands towards his head. Mhykol looked at Nebris, giving him the 'What's happening' look.

"Mhykol. Don't worry. Okay? I'm here. Your not alone!" (NEBS HAS A HEART?!) Nebris said towards him. Mhykol smiled and nodded. The door swung open and in came Nightmare Notch! Nebris growled at him as he came towards the two of them. Nightmare Notch smiled and looked Nebris in his brown colored eyes. Nightmare Notch was pale, he had black, souless eyes, and his beard was a red color. The color of blood.

"IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I HAD. AHA. VISITORS. MY FRIENDS, YOU ARE JUST IN TIME FOR DINNER!" Nightmare Notch laughed, and moved towards Mhykol. Nightmare Notch whispered something into Mhykol's ear that Nebris could not hear, but it made Mhykol stiffen. Nebris struggled against the shackles and swore as to no avail.

"I swear to god Nightmare Notch, Mhykol's only 16, and if you hurt him, I'll KILL you!" Nebris threatened. Nightmare Notch laughed at the threat, and walked out of the room.

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