Forever Peaceful? (NR)

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Nebris attempted to pull the arrow in his shoulder, when Nightmare Notch aimed another at him, this time at his head. The others, being held back by Herobrine's magic, struggled to get to where Herobrine was. Aiming the arrow, Nightmare Notch fired, but was broken in half by yet another arrow stronger then it. Looking at his attacker, his eyes widened, and squinted towards the entrance of the temple. There was Pak, and Millbee, armed with a bow, and looking as pissed of as ever.

"No. Way." Guude said, thinking how they were once on a hospital bed and lying unconcious and still. They rushed the two and clashed swords with one another, somehow being able to stand their ground.

"Go back to where you belong you devilish bloodsucking mother trukers. Your not wanted here!" Pak said, thrusting his swords, which is clashed with Herobrine's, forwards which made his go backwards. Pulling them back, Millbee snuck off and freed the others from Herobrine's grasp, leaving Pak to deal with the others.

"Ready? Aim. FIRE!" Guude said as they brought out their bows and fired arrows at the two; Pak nearly being impailed by one of them. Mamaging to fend off the arrows, Herobrine and Nightmare Notch jumped on top of the temple. Nightmare Notch lifted his hands and a red and black tornado type of whirlwind summoned around his hands into the sky.

"Bejebus." Nebris said, still trying to pull the arrow out of his shoulder. Aurey finally ran over beside him, grabbed the arrow, and thrusted it out of his shoulder, making Nebris wimper pethetically.

"YOU WON'T LEAVE!"Nightmare Notch shrieked, setting the now fully formed tornado after the guys.

"Run!" The guys, and Aurey, split into teams. One went left, one went right, and one went straight. Not knowing which way to go, the tornado broke into three, making it much smaller. Somehow Grabbing a piece of TnT, Doc lit it's fuse and yelled to Anders,

"DUCK!" And threw the TnT over his head, landing it in the center of the second one, dispersing it instantly.

"You could've warned me erlier" Anders yelled, Doc just shrugging his shoulder and giving his a piece of lit TnT.

"Fire it at the-" before Doc could finish Anders threw it at the third, bit hit only the left side, causing it to make a massive hole, which regenerated quickly. Moving it off to the side, Herobrine and Nightmare Notch jumped off the temple roof and started to combat again, making it look like a pattern.

"Attack!" Guude yelled, brining out his sword and charging Herobrine. After a few minutes of sword to sword combat, Herobrine and Nightmare Notch retreated again to the top of the temple.

"Here we go again. Doc, use the TnT. Don't let Anders use it." Doc grabbed a piece of TnT and lit it, aiming it at the first that was coming right for him. Doc though knew he had to be quick because as it was coming towards him, he was sliding towards it. Trowing the TnT, he ran away from it, hearing the tornado disburst behind him. Grabbing the second one, he lit it, and threw it at the third, it too, going into dust. Herobrine jumped down and pushed everyone against the temple wall, everyone except Guude and Paul. They, looking nervously at eachother, stood their ground and waited for Herobrine to rush he them which he did. Combat to combat, Herobrine was pushed do the ground, a d was faced to face with Guude's sword. Herobrine seeing that Nightmare Notch had ran, he smiled an before meeting his fate said,

"I will see you again soon." And Guude shoved his sword through his chest. There was a bright light, and everyone blacked out.


With a bright light, the missing guys all appeared in a clump of bodies. It looked like Nebris on a Monday. Everywhere. Chad wondered up to them and sighed happily.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" He asked. After a few hours of everyone explaining what happened, they went to town hall where Guude stepped upon the podium.

"Gentleman, and lady, of Mindcrack. I know this is a surprise to see me here, but over the last few days, we have had one hell of an experience. Herobrine, is dead. Although we didn't manage to get Nightmare Notch too, we'll get him is a later time. At the moment I am concerned about the future, and whether or not to continue with this organization of players. Concerned for your safety, all those who want to leave now, may go." Surprisingly to Guude, no one moves a mussel. He smiled and wondered off the podium.


October 2nd, 2010.

Over these past few days, they were crazy. I chose to stay with Mindcrack because of the leader. Guude is a nice man, and he knows how to lead an army and a civilization. The people of Mindcrack are strong, noble, honest fighters. They have many great talents, like Nebris and his knowledge of dimensions, and Arkas of mining along with Mhykol. Mhykol! He turns 17 January 1st! I really do hope that Herobrine is gone now. Forever.


:February 12th, 2022:

Kurt closed his journal he had from 2010, and smiled, looking to of his window. Noticing the time putting the book away and petting his puppy beside him. Smiling,  he shut off his light and went to bed.

'Another amazing adventure to a close' Kurt thought as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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