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Nebris looked around the desert and sighed, remembering his old life. He looked at the sunset, and smiled, his brown eyes murmuring in that direction.

"Damn... if only we avoided that Psycho, Herobrine.. Pak's wounded, Mhykol's afraid to talk now, Vechs and Aurey are the only sensible ones there-" Nebris stopped to control his thoughts. Nebris sighed and got up, dusting the sand off his pants.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH!" Nebris all of a sudden turned around and panicked, seeing no one there. Nebris looked down and thought,

'Man.. I must be loosing it! Possibly? Maybe?' Nebris sighed and moved towards the temple, hearing crying of a girl, or..

"Aurey!" Nebris ran into the temple and saw all of them being held by Herobrine and Nightmare Notch! Nebris saw Nightmare Notch turn and look at him, with his souless black eyes.

"Well well well.. look who we have here. Ahahahahahahaha!" Herobrine noticed him too, and threw the six of them aside. Nebris just stared at the two and they came closer towards him, laughing maniacally.

"WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN WITH YOU!" Herobrine laughed. Nebris closed his eyes tightly, and then brought out his diamond blade, trying not to show the two of them.

"YOU CHOSE THE WRONG FIGHT NEBRIS!" Herobrine smiled, and the battle began!


Anders and Doc Walked around the acacia, trying not to provoke anything to attack. Doc, being half Creeper, knows how to not provoke a creeper.. but not anything else.

"This is useless! There's no way that we can find anyone else here.." Anders blabbered.

"Anders.. i wouldn't be to sure about that." Doc pointed towards four figures of the Mindcrack team arguing about something.

"-There's no one here Baj! It's just us!" They heard someone say. They recognising who they were.

"GUUDE! BAJ, PAUSE, BEEF! OVER HERE!" Doc shouted. The four turned around and smiled as Doc and Anders ran towards them.

"Where did you two come from?" Pause asked. Anders smiled.

"Just a few miles from here. We thought we were the only ones here. Thank god Doc kept me from thinking that!" Anders said, as he nudged his green friend beside him. Baj sighed.

"I thought I saw a massive storm cloud heading this way, which could only mean one of many things." Baj paused.

"Thunderstorm." Guude said worriedly. The three of them looked at one another in fear, and started to run towards the beachside, hoping that they aren't to late!

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