Party Crasher

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The winds started to pick up, causing things to blow all over the place. Guude, Pause, Baj, and Beef were all looking at the sorce of the winds. Pitch black smog filled the place and White.. Gleeming eyes stared back at the four.

"GET BACK!" Guude yelled at his fellow Mindcrackers. The thing laughed and stared at the leader.

"NO ONE INVITED THE GOD OF MISCHIEF? SHAME. I THOUGHT MR. MAC WOULD'VE TOLD YOU ABOUT ME." The thing laughed. Everyone turned towards Kurt, who was as stiff as a oak wood Plank.

"You.. you were the one in my nightmare! I should've known." Kurt sighed to himself. The god laughed at the man's statement.

"Who are you?!" Pause shouted at the god. He smiled and looked at the crowd.

"YOU'D BE KNOWN FOR CALLING ME HEROBRINE!" The god shouted. Baj stepped forwards a step.

"Your the killer of mankind! You get your fun of watching others suffer. This man's a maniac!" Baj stated. Herobrine's smile faded off his dad and stared at the Englander with his cold.. dead... white eyes.

"YES BAJ. I AM. BUT NOW.. I AM AFRAID YOUR TIME HAS COME. I MUST DESTROY EVERYTHING THAT LURKS IN MY PATH!" In The gods hands had two white orbs. One for each. Lifted them into the air, and there was a bright, white light, and then... nothing.


The sun shone brightly, causing the man to shelter his eyes. Nebris sat upwards, causing the man's back to crack. Nebris grasped it, wincing in pain. He looked around and saw no other Mindcrackers, and no town hall. Nebris remembered the hod he met, Herobrine he believed the name was. He was in a desert, beside a lime Green cactus, a few prickles already implanted inside his arm.

"What the? Where's Guude? KURT, GUUDE?!" The man's raspy voice called out, but to no response. The man got up slowly, looking at his surroundings. The dust blew into his eyes, sand inside of his already uncomfortable shoes. He slowly started to walk forwards, and stepped down a small slope leading into a pathway.

"Someone must've been here. Better check it out, see if anyone can help me.. give me direction, even fucking tell me where the hell I am!" Nebris told himself. He sighed, attempting to calm himself down. He slowly walked inside the shady dimmed room, hoping on his way to catch a finger on a torch. Luckily, he did, causing the torch to light up into flame.

"'Welcome to Desert Avia castle'. Castle? Looked smaller from the outside. Might be Herobrine's idea of a sick joke?" Nebris kept talking to himself, thinking that someone else must be here with him. Nebris was shocked to have stepped on a pressure plate, and hear the door slam shut behind him! Nebris turned back and tried to force the door open, but to no avail.

"Dammit! I'm stuck in here. Pressure plate must've been cabled to whomever stepped on it, die in here- NO! Don't think that Nebs... I need to focus on finding another exit." Nebris said to himself, panicking a little.

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