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The Farlander woke up to an agonizing puppy, infusavly licking his face. The puppy looked at the man and barked.

"Calm down boy. And where in Jupiter's rings are we?" Kurt asked himself. The puppy barked and showed Kurt that they were in a jungle, on top of one of the biggest jungle trees he's ever seen. He could see a thousand acors, but unfortunately all they were, was jungle.

"Jungle? I haven't been in one of these since the Farlands! Remember that boy?" Wolfie barked, and Kurt got up slowly, trying not to fall off the tree. Kurt looked downwards and saw a bunch of vines. He then got this crazy idea that popped into his head. He looked at Wolfie.

"Do you know what I'm thinking boy?" Kurt asked, looking upon the vines. Wolfie sulked, as Kurt tucked his worried puppy under his arm.

"Beats living for that madman we faced the other day." Kurt went to the edge snd noticed the vines below him also. Kurt shut his eyes, mumbled a few prayers, and jumped, Wolfie still under his arm.

"Aroooooooooo!" They both cried, Kurt grasping a vine on the last possible millisecond!

"Phew. Boy that was close. We have to be more careful." Kurt told Wolfie. Wolfie rolled his eyes underneath his glasses.


Nebris was wondering the castle which he had just found moments before. Nebris was starting to go forwards, when he noticed a spiral staircase to his left, which contained a torch for him to carry. The other one he had burnt out a few hours before this.

"A torch. This one might be better then the last one I had. Hmm... looks like a staircase. Wonder what's up it." Nebris asked himself as he grabbed the flaming torch. He slowly and cautiously started to go upwards, careful of the broken steps.

"Almost there." Nebris said worriedly, yet he had a hint of excitement in his voice. Nebris took the last step and shone his torch forwards, as he did, he saw a shadow in front of him. Nebris got and step closer.

"Hello? Who's there?" Nebris asked the thing. The thing turned around and laughed, adding a crooked smile apon it's face. That's the last thing Nebris saw before he blacked out.


He looked at his dinner as it flopped towards the ground.

"It's been so long since I had a bite to eat. Looks like I just found my first meal in decades." The thing thought to himself, as he dragged Nebris's body towards a side room.


Aurey woke up to a grunt from someone beside her. She looked, and saw a very disoriented Vechs, covering his eyes with his goggles from the sun. They were in a desert, beside a lime Green cactus. A body print and footprints leading south showed the two they weren't the only ones there.

"Aurey.. you see this?" Vechs directed her attention towards the print, and a cool pink liquid, which only one person had at the time.

"You don't think.. Nebs?" Aurey asked him, her body shaking. Vechs nodded and stood up, helping Aurey on the way. Her dress was waving in the direction of the wind. South. What a coincidence. They looked at eachother and followed their other Mindcrackers footsteps.

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