Trapped In History

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They walked into the desert, the sand beginning to arise in circles. Kurt stepped back a bit, and brought out his journal and started to write.

September 17th, 2010

We have been walking for a few days now, but we haven't seen anyone. Out of the 20 plus people that are in Mindcrack, no one had seen us.. or have tried to avoid us...

Kurt looked around once more to see if he was going the right way, then continued writing.

Guude's probably worried, or panicking out of his mind. We need to find someone quick, or we'll all starve to death.


Kurt put the journal back into his bag and walked beside the others. Paul ga e him a nudge.

"Do you think that... you don't think maybe-"

"They're all dead? Not likely.. prohibiting Herobrine's axpumyace, he shouldn't have murdered over 25 people." They both looked at me strangely. Pak scoffed and laughed, shaking his head.

"Know-it-all. Besides, it's looking like there's a sand storm on the way, besides, we should look for something anyways-" all of a sudden, Pak was hit in the head with a cactus, that was dispatched towards him.

"-Which is why we should run.. now!" The three of them ran towards a small building just poking out of the sand, the rest of it being hidden. Pak covered the entrance with some cobble he just happened to have on him, and walked over towards the others.

"Do you know what's going on out there? It's a sandstorm alright. And technically a sandstorm lasts from, thiry hours to thirty days..." Kurt said to the others. They scolded and Pak walked a little bit to far towards the Centre, causing the floor to give way, and causing Pak to fall into a cavern below.

"PAK!" The two yelled in sync. The ran towards the edge and peered over, seeing their friend, on the ground, motionless.

"Pak? Are you okay?" Paul asked. Kurt shook his head after a while.

"He's not responding, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?! Oh god.... oh god..... oh god..." Kurt panicked, which he was then snapped out of by Paul a few seconds later.

"Help me get him up okay? Wait... do you see that beside him? Looks like a.. pressure... plate..." Paul and Kurt then realized what they had taken shelter into, and what their friend had almost landed onto.

"Come on! Let's get him back." Paul quickly rode the walls down while Kurt stayed on top. Paul sat beside Pak and moved him away from the Plate. Pak winced in pain and looked at Paul.

"How did you manage to hurt yourself again?" Paul asked, getting a chuckle from Pak.

"Paul... you always...... did... have a... sense of.... humor. For that... I- ×Grr×   -I applaud... You...." Pak stuttered every now and then. Paul lifted Pak onto his shoulders and Kurt reached his hand down to try and reach. Someone grabbed his shoulders from behind.

"Need a hand?" Kurt realized that voice. He turned around and saw the familiar face of Vechs, Aurey, Nebris, and Mhykol. He smiled and leaned over again.

"We stayed in here to avoid the Sandstorm we were caught in, and Pak fell into a secret cavern.. causing him to hurt himself-" They heard Pak cry out in pain.

"-and we could use a little help.." Aurey smiled and grabbed Kurt's legs, holding him steady. Kurt leaned over the side and grabbed Pak from Paul's hands. Kurt pulled Pak onto the clear ledge and waited for Paul to join them, which he did a few seconds later.

September 18th, 2010

Pak has severely ingered his right shoulder, and can no longer move. Fortunately though we found four more people, on including the missing Mhykol. Mhykol told us his story of how Herobrine brought him in with Nebs to be... tortured and appealed. When Aurey and Vechs came in, Vechs going bazerk after Someone named Nightmare Notch hurt Aurey. I hope after a while we can move on... or maybe, we can make this Temple of use...


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