I wake up to this?

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Nebris was in a tree. He looked around, but saw no one. Looking below him, he could hear the sounds of the winds, echoing throughout his ears, making them sound recent.

'How the heck did I get here?' Nebris asked himself, still looking down the tree. Nebris wondered where everyone was, and why he had all of a sudden spawned up here. Had he died and respawned? Had he teleported away? Why was this even happening to him? Nebris climbed down the tree, 'CAREFULLY', and almost slipped, causing him to loose his footing and fall half was down the tree. Nebris grabbed a vine about 10 inches above the ground. He sighed and dropped down, not remembering fall damage. He took 3 hearts worth of fall damage.

"So of a-" Just then he heard russling from behind him, he stopped his sentace and quickly thrusted around.. but seeing no one. Nebris looked left amd right, before turning back and seeing the white, dead eyes of Herobrine. Nebris SCREAMED and jumped back, loosing his footing, stumbling on the ground still trying to move backwards! Nebris then unfortunately hit a tree, amd couldn't move any farther. Herobrine grabbed Nebris' black collar and lifted him up into the air.

"Hello Mr.Nebs. How are we today?" Herobrine asked him quite nicely. Nebris remembered the battle.

"What did you do to me?" He asked. Herobrine laughed, but then threw Nebris into a.three across from that tree. Then Herobrine forcefully grabbed Nebris again and lifting him in the air once more.

"What did I do to you? Ahahahahahahaha.. well, I just modified a few things. Now.. I was to you to say something to me. Say.. 'MASTER' once for me." Herobrine smiled as he saw Nebs' eyes flicker a white.

"M..m...M...Ma....." NE ris wanted to fight it, but he also didn't want to. Something in his body told him yes.

"M...ma...mas....ter...." Nebris said, regretting that single word he said to the most evil man on Minecraft!


Nebris jolted upwards, blinking his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight. Nebris didn't know what happened, but he didn't like it. Not one bit.

"-Earth to Nebris... come in Nebris." Nebris turned his head and saw Herobrine standing there, but no Nightmare Notch. Nebris shouted and moved back,  crawling back just as he did in his, 'DREAM'. Herobrine smiled and picked up the cheater, smiling like a 4th grader. Out of his sight, he saw his friends try and help him, but they were grabbed by the soon following Nightmare Notch!

"HELLO! YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE." Nightmare Notch smiled devilishly, and watched Herobrine. Nebris could feel something I'm him change, but nothing phicically. It was all mentally. Nebris tried to get out of his grasp, but no avail. Nebris' vision was fading, and he wanted to continue fighting!



On a table in a village layed a figure of a human, barely, but it was there. Unfortunately the villagers there couldn't fix the human and they left him to die! Another man came by shortly after, his illuminating white eyes smimmered in the darkness.

"Hello there, your still alive. I bet I could help." The man raised him hands and the ingered guy flew into the air with a ball of white light. With a flash, the man was not a man anymore, but a creeper hybrid. The man smiled with a chuckle, and the man woke up. Seeing himself.


Doc thrusted upwards with a small whimper in fear, then saw the others asleep, Baj included. Doc sighed and lifted Baj into his own bed, and took his post. Doc was afraid that I'd he went back to sleep, the German would see how it all happened again. Doc remembered it like it was yesterday, that a year tomarrow would've been a year that Doc was transformed. He grabbed the wooden sword Baj had left and leaned too against the cavern wall. Doc looked out into the darkness and saw three figures. One: had rainbow wool, two: had tons of lapis in his pockets, three: had yellow skin and blue overalls with work goggles. Doc recognising the three and smiled.

"Mill, MC, Ads, OVER HERE!"

Chapter dedicated to @RuddiestBubbles

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