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September 19th, 2010

I have finally decided to write in this again.. unfortunately for us, Pak, Mhykol, Paul and I have not found any other Mindcrackers yet, or any other chance of civilization either. Mhykol kept reminding us of Millbee and how he was worried, but we mustn't let rhat get in the way of trying to find other people! ... Huh. I haven't seen Z in a long time.. I wonder how he's doing. I'll keep this posted for a while... Until I conpletely forget again.


He closed the journal and looked at the starts and the moon, shimmering into the lake beside them. Mhykol, whom is only just 16, was sound asleep, Paul was reading on cooked chicken, and Pak told them he was going hunting for Pigs or something editable. He then looked at the fire he made to keep themselves warm, and proventing them from getting a cold, or hypothermia.

"Kurt? You alright? You look a bit dazed." Paul asked from his tent, made from jungle leaves and sugarcane. Kurt quickly nodded and layed into his bag, in his tent.

"Mmmph. Pak's not back yet? He's been gone for a while now, from the placement of the moon." Mhykol said, just waking back up. The other two looked upwards. Guessing time.


"Damn. Pak's been gone for three and a half hours. Maybe.. he left? No.. no no no Kurt. Pak's not like that.. but he seemed a but disoriented when setting up camp." Kurt thought to himself. He looked back towards Mhykol whom was now doodling in a notebook he might've had on him.

"Pak's fine. We should get some sleep." Paul said confidently. Kurt and Mhykol nodded before retiring for the night.


Pak was lost. He had no sense of where he began, or where he ended for that matter. He found plenty of food, but.. no camp site. Pak sighed and noticed the moon above him. Midnight.

"The others probably are asleep by now. I should get on top of a tree and look to see where I'm at!" Pak suggested to himself. Pak put the food in his bag and climbed the vines of a nearby Jungle tree. Once he got halfway, Pak looked down but almost fell from the loose vines. He continued cautiously. Once Pak got to the top, he held his torch in front of him, and he saw the campfire.

"Yes! Now I can get back." Pak lept over to the other tree, and onto the next, and the next, and so forth. But something happened. When Pak was about leep towards the next on, the ranch broke from beneath. Sending Pak tumbling towards the earth.



Mhykol shot upwards like a revolvers bullet. He looked around to see the other Mindcrackers around someone's gravestone, and a coffin beside them. Mhykol got up and slowly walked towards the familiar face of BdoubleO100! Mhykol attempted to touch his shoulder when he noticed the markings on the gravestone it's self.

Mhykol. Died November 12th, 2022. A fellow Mindcracker, a fellow brother.

All Mhykol could do was stare, then he noticed two other Graves beside his towards the left.

AvidyaZEN. Died November 12th 2022. A fellow Mindcracker, a fellow brother.

Millbee. Died November 12th 2022. A fellow Mindcracker, a fellow brother.

Mhykol could not believe his eyes. He was dead, Avidya was dead, Millbee was dead but.. the dates. They were in the future. 2022. November 12th?


Mhykol was awoken by a scream! Kurt and Paul as well. They got up, and walked towards the screams. They saw someone walking towards them, as they stopped in front a pool of blood.

"WHO'S THERE!? SHOW YOURSELF!" Paul shouted at the shadow. The thing got closer, and we recognized the souless white eyes that were peering back at us.

"Herobrine." Kurt snarled. Wolfie came up behind Kurt as soon as he mentioned the name. Mhykol was shivering and put his face in his hands and repeated,

"This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real!" Mhykol stepped backwards after remembering the Nightmare he had, and his own gravestone. Herobrine smiled and moved a bit closer.

"You should really be careful where you put your Pakratt's. They could fall at any moment." Herobrine laughed crazily after Pak fell on top of Kurt and Paul, knocking the three of them to kingdom Kong! It was only Mhykol and Herobrine left.

"Mhykol. The youngest of the Mindcrackers. What a shame it is to have like you, to be left facing someone like me. Hahahahahahahah. Like the Nightmare I gave you? Put a but of truth into the matter." Herobrine smiled and movedmoved closer towards Mhykol, as he tried to back up. Mhykol turned to run, but Herobrine was there, and was held against a tree, begging for Herobrine to release Mhykol's neck. Mhykol struggled, begging for air, until he blacked out completely!

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