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Baj had no clue what was going on. All he knew was that they needed to save Millbee and Pak, whom had been poisoned by Herobrine. Baj was straggling, and the rain has already stared to pour in the Acacia. Baj's mustache dripping, soaked with water. (NOT THAT YOU DIRTY MINDED PPL) Baj never was good at any sports, let alone running.

"WAIT UP!" Baj yelled to his friends. They Aperently never heard him, because they were still running ahead. Baj sighed and tried to catch up but tripped and fell because of the moisture of the dirt. When Baj lifted his head, his friends were no where to be found. Baj stepped upwards and tried to shake the mud off his pants.

"Dammit. GUUDE?! PAUSE?! BEEF?! ANDER S ANYONE?!" Baj tried to call. All of a sudden he heard laughing behind him. Quickly turning around he saw the two glowing white eyes of Herobrine. Baj growled and moved backwards.. into a tree.

"QUITE AN INTERESTING PERSON SHALL I SAY. YOU WERE THE FIRST TO RAT ME OUT 14 DAYS AGO BAJ. NOW.. AHA.. I'M AFRAID YOUR TIME.. HAS COME!" Herobrine went to turn Baj into sushi, when all of a sudden he heard Herobrine oof, and the sounds of a fight. He looked back up and saw a woman, maybe 12, save his life. She wore a red cloak, teal imbraced headphones and what looked like a teal sweater. She knocked Herobrine back, and before leaving, growled. The woman turned to face Baj and he could see her clearer now. She revealed bright red hair with orange streaks, she has blue eyes, black headphones shimmering with Red light, teal and black sweater and black pants. Baj cocked his head to the side.

"Who are you?" Baj asked, twirling his mustache in curiosity. She smiled.

"Just call me.. Blazz." She said, before too disappearing. Baj didn't care much for what just happened, all he knows is that he's alive,  amd he needs to catch up with the others.


Z was worried for Kurt, his best friend. He was there when Kurt got taken from him, about 15 days before hand. Zisteau never thought of what it was like to loose a friend, but now, he feels it all over.


Z walked towards the gates of Mindcrack, excited of what the leader has promised him. Fortune, luck, and friends.

'They never had friends in the nether, and the rest of the Pigmen bullied me. I hope the treat me right' Z said, with a massive smiled upon his face. He walked into the town and first gazed his eyes upon a man in his 20's, 3-D glasses perched against his nose and a wonderful smiled on his face. He walked towards Z.

"Hiya! I'm Kurt. I'll be your assistant for today." The man said, his dog coming beside him. They started to walk towards the main hall.

"What's your name?" Kurt asked. Z just smiled amd answered plainly,


Hey guys Blazzium here and I'm super sad today. I just lost a very close friend of the family asked I-×Sniff× I need a hug from Mysticalflower. Please give me a hug! Anyways guys I'm Blazzium, and I'll see all you doods later, peace out Blazes!

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