Band Members?

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He smiled as ye saw the three of them run over towards the cave they were in! Doc acidentally left his sword by his post though. Doc ran over and remembered the sword which he left. He noticed them all crowding him, talking so fast he couldn't understand.

"Woah Woah Woah! Calm down guys. Say it again, but slower!" Doc said, and sighed. He tried again.

"Listen, Mill needs help. We've been wondering the desert for ever now! I'll tell you all about it when we get back to your base." Ads said, trying to keep Millbee on his shoulder.

"Alright.. Anders and the four leaders are back in base, sleeping. Let's get moving before the mobs decide to eat us for their dinner." The four of them walked quietly, yet quite fast, into the cave. They sighed, and looked at sunrise. A few minutes alter everyone was awake.

"Now." Guude said putting down the water that they'd collected before hand.

"Tell us what happened Adlington." Guude said.


Nebris was being held into the air by his friendly neighborhood madman. Loosing vision fast, he knew he needed to keep fighting, which he did. Seeing the opertunity, he kicked Herobrine in the stomach, and flipped backwards and landed safely.

"YOU PITIFUL CREATURE!" Herobrine yelled. He took out his Quartz inbased sword, and stared at the cheater. Nebris did the same. He took out his diamond sword and the two rushed eachother, swords clashing. A few seconds later Herobrine was against the wall, fighting against the man's strength.

'I have no clue how I'm doing this' He thought to himself. Nebris kept fighting Herobrine, but then, Herobrine teleported behind the man, amd threw him against the wall.

"YOU KNOW I COULD KILL YOU NOW AND KEEP YOUR HEAD AS A SUVENEER, BUT... YOU ARE WORTH SOMETHING, AND YOU ARE THE KEY TO THE FUTURE." Herobrine go of Nebris' neck and teleported out of the room. The others joined too shortly after, Curious of what the man said.

"What in God's name was that all about?" Kurt asked the cheater. Nebris shrugged.


"When we first saw Milk,  he was in terrible shape. It was like he tried to fight, and almost lost. Anyways, we found him on the shoreline of a beach, washed up on high water, with a short pulse." Adlington explained, putting Millbee on one of the beds

"We tried to calm him down once he woke, but he just kept talking about, serving and a disappoint to.. well... you get the point." Adlington continued. Their yellow friend finished checking Millbee and sighed, kneeling beside the bed.

"MC.. I'm not a good doctor, but I thiiiiiink he's going to make it." Adlington said. MC sighed and joined him.


Pak had awoken with a pounding headache. His shoulder seems to have healed quite a lot since the last time he was cauntious.

'Just my luck' Pak thought, gripping his head with all intent of trying to regain main view. Pak got off his bed slowly, and walked into the main entrance. Seeing something he feared of seeing.

Hey guys Blazzium here a d I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I am so sorry that this took so long to publish, but I just started Grade 7 and I already hate it. Anyways guys I'm Blazzium, and I'll see ll you dudes later. Peace out Blazes.

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