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A.N, I'm not going to start with P.O.V until the actual Mind Wars starts. ~Blazzium~

Kurt, Nebris, MC, and Seth, including Wolfie, we're all walking, conversing, towards town hall where the party is being held. The four men were laughing crazily, while Wolfie, still knawing on his bone, stayed close to Kurt's side.

"Did you see a few days ago, Bdoubs get sneered my a creeper? Oh my god, he was all like, 'Okay Generik, keep up the good- HELL BLAZES'!" Nebris smiled and laughed, along with the other Mindcrackers.

"Serves him right for letting the old man do all the work." Kurt said to the others. They nodded, and glanced at Seth's watch.


Almost eight.

"Come on. Guude be expecting us shortly. God, Guude ordered Z and I to be the live stalk. I totally forgot." Kurt chuckled and put his hand on his face, slowly shaking it.

"That something you need to worry about." MC said, patting Kurt slightly on the back. The man laughed and went inside, seeing Guude and another man whom looked A lot like a zombie Pigman. The Pigman smiled at Kurt and said,

"Heya Kurt. Ready to start? The other Mindcrackers should be here soon. Hopefully.." The Pigman joked. Guude chuckled, patting the two on the back.

"Kurt. Z. Good luck. You'll need it." Guude told them, walking away.

"Yay... so enthused." Kurt said, slumping his shoulders forwards, still looking at Z. The Pigman chuckled and smiled. They both saw two more people enter. One wore a red construction hat, a pair of overalls, a toolbelt, and hat a bat on the hard hat. The other was a girl, she had bright red hair, a frilly white dress, and emerald green eyes.

"Hi Kurt, Z, the party start yet? Of corse not.. or else there'd be a lot more Mindcrackers here then the four of us." The girl said skitishly. The man with the red hat chuckled and stared at Kurt and Z.

"Aurey! Stop being so aborable!" The man said. Aurey laughed.

"Vechs! Stop being so Diabolical!" The two joked. Kurt and Z watched as the rest of the Mindcrackers came in also, and they ran over towards the music player. They started up some music to inliven the party. Z walked up towards the front stage, and all the Mindcrackers turned towards him and cheered.

"Welcome backa, to the Mindacracka Party! Zisteau here." Z said confidently, hoping Kurt would follow along. Which he did. Kurt stood up and walked beside Z.

"Heeeello ladies and gentlemen my name is Kurt. And welcome to the official party for the beginning of Mindcrack!" Kurt cheered. Everyone else cheered along with him. Z stepped up in front.

"I hope you will enjoy the series of battles from the DJ's." Z nudged Kurt. Kurt smile and repositioned his 3D glasses and smirked.

"So that's how it's gonna be huh? Hah! Do be it!" The crowd cheered as Z was the first up.

The party was going smoothly. Nothing was going wrong. Or.. as they thought. Guude was talking to four other people near him. On was an Englander, had a nice mustache, a Berea, and was in camo. The other two were Pause and Beef.

"So Baj.. how does it feel to have 20 other people here eh?" Beef asked. Baj looked at him.

"Canadians.." Guude shook his head regretfully. The others laughed. All of of a sudden, the winds started to pick up, and things were blowing everywhere. Everyone looked around nervously. All of a sudden, the wind stopped, and appeared HEROBRINE!
Hahahahahahahah. Oh how I love to torture these guys.

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