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He followed his other friends towards he safest place they saw. A cave. Guude set up a few beds and Anders on the way found a few small trees, large enough to give up 1 long and 13 sticks.

"I have enough logs to make enough planks to make a crafting bench.. but that's all I am afraid." Anders said, his Swedish accent making him sound like a total idiot to the English man. Guude smiled and grabbed the wood.

"Great. Uh... we need someone to watch guard tonight, just in case any other Mindcrackers come, or if someone, you know who, comes back. Any voulenteers?" Guude asked. Everyone looked around but no one spoke up. Guude smiled.

"Okay thanks Baj!" Baj looked at the American like he had lost his mind.

'This shouldn't be to bad... I mean... if he doesn't show.. we should all be fine. I hope..' Baj thought to himself as he nodded, and grabbed a sword. Just in case.

"Good luck Baj..... you MIGHT need it." Baj gulped at the man's words.

'You MIGHT need it? What does he mean by.. unless..... no. Don't think that Bajjer.' Baj leaned against the cavern wall, looking out into the distance. The sunset glistened in the early sun.

"What a beautiful sight. To bad it can't be examined with the rest of the Mindcrackers?" Baj asked himself. Baj sighed, and looked back into the cave, seeing Guude and the others sound asleep.

"I'm just glad I'm spending it with you." Baj smiled.


September 21st 2010

Mhykol is alright now, but Pak is still out of it, but healing quickly. Aurey and Vechs told us that they just saw the closest structure to them and went in, not knowing we were in there. I just hope that in the end, we can all be together... especially Z and I.


Kurt put away his journal once more and looked down, remembering Pak's fall.

"Are you worried Kurt? About Pak and if he's going to make it?" A weak voice asked behind him. Kurt turned around and saw Mhykol, clenching his fists below his chin.

"Of corse I am Mhykol, the fall Pak took was massive, and if he wasn't as lucky as he was, he would've fallen on the TnT trap and blown up us all. I know Pak well, he's going to make it." Kurt threw a smiled towards Mhykol, who smiled back.

"Listen, Mhykol. Promise me one thing. Don't leave alone!" Just then, the two of them heard crying!

"AUREY!" They yelled. When the two of them walked into the main area, they saw three familiar faces, and two others. Paul, Aurey, and Vechs were fighting off Nightmare Notch and Herobrine, with the help of Nebris joining shortly after them. They said a few things Kurt didn't care about, and a fight started. Nebris did most of the fighting, while Kurt and Mhykol helped with most of their ingeries. Until the five of them heard a raspy, earpiercing scream. They looked at the battle and saw Nebs at the mercy of Herobrine, and Nightmare Notch was coming their way. The five of them hid so he couldn't see them, and that so that could watch the whole thing unfold.

"It really is a shame that we had to kill you off.. you would've been such a help.... but maybe.. just maybe..." Nightmare Notch whispered that last part into Herobrine's ear and they both smiled devilishly.

"YESSSSSS... QUITE....." Herobrine smiled, and lifted his hands, his hands which are glowing with white emenses of power!

"No.. no no no no no no no no no....." Nebs just kept repeating that word over and over again. No.

"YES!" Juan then, there was a flash of light, bright white light that made the five shield their eyes. When it all cleared, they saw Nebris on the ground, motionless!

"Nebs! Oh god oh god oh god." Aurey said under her breath. They got around him and he started moving, and Kurt asked if he was alright.

"I've been better, but yet I've been worse. Got a massive headache though.." Nebris said, holding his head with a sweaty hand.

"Well your going to have a lot of those, because I am afraid you now have.. Headacheneverendus..." Vechs said, causing everyone to look at him.

"Headachenever-what now?" Paul asked. Vechs laughed, and they helped Nebris us. Kurt wondered what happened to him, but it was a mystery to all of them.

Chapter dedicated towards @XinXin3000

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