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July 13th, 2022

Avidya, Millbee, and Mhykol were ordered by Guude to investigate a strange shadow seen by night watchmen and Mindcrackers on a daily bases. Still keeping contact with Pres, Curious, and Blazz after their last encounter with Herobrine, Guude had invited them to join the Mindcrackers in the communications bay, to help them stay in contact with the three.

"Just think. It'll be the 7th aniversary of Pak's death tomarrow. I wonder how Blame's gonna take it?" Mhykol asked, getting a look out of the other two. Millbee nudged him on the arm.

"We promised we wouldn't talk about it. Besides, I still remember our first encounter with Herobrine. That was a whale of a time!" Millbee said sarcastically. All of a sudden their comm systems went off.

"This is Guude. How's it going over there?" He asked, getting a smile out of Avidya.

"Guude, this is Avidya. No one here. I think-" before he could finish he heard the sound of russling leaves behind him, making him snap towards the bush. The others joined him, staring blankly into the dark forest surrounding them.

"Avidya? Hello? Is there anyone there, what happened?" Guude asked, making Avidya slowly tap the communication button.

"We heard, sounds of russling leaves to our left." All of a sudden, leaves from above them fell on their heads, making Mhykol shriek. Avidya stepped forwards and brought his watch to his mouth and said,

"Flashlight, on!" which shone a light into the bushes. For a brief second, a saw a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, then it scurried off to the left side. Avidya yelled and fell back, Grabbing the others.

"We need to go. NOW!" He yelled.


Hey guys Blazzium here and I thank all of you so much for the support. Mind wars was yes short but I have plans to make the next, and final book a lot longer.. I hope.
On to the dedications! I'd love to Thank:
And so MA u more such as Ruddiusbubbles (SP?)
And so many more! All of you Blazes have been amazing and very helpful to me.
Anyways guy, I'm Blazzium and I will see all you doods next time. Peace ot Blazes!

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