Back at Base...

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It was only just a few days ago, half of Mindcrack disappeared. Chad was supposed to make a speach for all those who were there. Nerve-racking but.. who cares. Chad stepped onto the podium, seeing all that remains of our group. He cleared my throat and began.

"Mindcrack citizens. I am sorry to say that our friends that are missing haven't been found yet. Those Including: Nebris, Pakratt, Aureylian, Vechs, Mhykol, Kurtmac, PaulsoarusJR, Guude, Baj, Pause, Beef, Adlington, MC, Millbee, and Coestar. Search teams have been notified to continue tomarrow morning at 3:30 A.M. Unfortunately though we have not found a sign of Herobrine, the one who took them, and are searching for him too. We will keep you all updated on the situation." Chad finished and slowly bowed his head and stepping off stage, hearing the others shout, 'For Mindcrack' before he leaving into his quarters. Chad doesn't remember having any aquatance with any of the guys but, he knows they'll find them... Fifteen Mindcrackers gone by the hands of a madman! They needed to act quick.


He woke up by a shoreline, with of corse a pounding headache. Of corse, not knowing where the hell he is, he stood up and looked at his surroundings. He saw a jungle, a desert, a plains, and Acacia. It was packed here. He wonderer if anyone else is here?

"God.. bad time to have to much. What the hell happened last night?" He asked himself. He started to wonder towards the plains when he heard a scream, a woman. Nothing that he is not curious in. He started to run towards the scream, which brought him towards a desert temple. He slowly walk inside and see that someone lives here, or... something?

"HELLO!?" He asked, but then was greeted by a sword to his neck.

"Don't. Move." He gulped and was shoved to the ground, then seeing an all to familiar face.

"Dammit Kurt you scared the shit out of me." He said, moving upwards a bit. He also saw Aurey, Vechs, Mhykol, Paul, and Nebs.

"Welcome." Kurt said, offering a hand to help.

"Is there anyone else here?" Coe asked, tilting his head to the side seeing Kurt hesitate an answer.

"Yeah uh.. Pak is but he seems to be uh.. poisoned." Kurt replied, getting a small but of surprise on his face. Coe bowed his head and Aurey went beside him.

"He's going to be fine." She told him. Just as they were about to go back and check on Pak, nine people flew into the temple!

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