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He was terrified. Mhykol could feel the tears appear in his eyes as soon as Aurey let him free. Mhykol was covered in blood from all the torture, and from Nebris beside him also. The 16 year old crashed into Aurey's arms, begging her not to let go.

"It's okay now..." Aurey stuttered. Mhykol looked Aurey in the eyes and smiled, knowing she's there.

"What happened out there? How'd you get here?" Vechs asked.

"I had awoken in a desert, beside a lime green cactus. I noticed the winds going southwest, so I went southwest. I came upon a building, small from the outside. But once I got in, the door shut behind me and I was trapped. I wondered up a spiral staircase and saw someone in front of me. I asked who it was, but that was the last thing I saw before blacking out." Nebris told them, still keeping his eyes on Mhykol.

"Mhykol?" Mhykol nodded and took a deep breath in.

"I was originally with Kurt, Pak, and Paul when I was captured. Pak had gone to get some food for us, when we heard a scream. We was Herobrine there waiting for us. Pak all of a sudden fell on top of Kurt and Paul, and they were knocked unconcious. I was left alone. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Herobrine's dead... white eyes." Mhykol explained. Vechs and Aurey looked at eachother.

"Where were they?" Aurey asked him.

"They were in a jungle, we had set up camp on a beach shore, beside a desert towards our right." Mhykol continued. They looked at one another and smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Vechs said.


Pak couldn't believe what he had seen. A crack in the tree and a bloody message. Pak looked at the others, who wouldn't look at him. Pak grunted.

"Just because I fell on you causing Herobrine to get Mhykol, doesn't mean it's my fault! We have more important matters." Paul grunted, and walked towards Pak.

"Mhykol is a 16 year old boy, who is in the hands of one of the most MENICING people on Minecraftia, and your just saying to, 'Forget' about it?" Paul snarled. Pak looked the adventurer in his brown eyes.

"You listen here Paul... I might not be one of the most smartest people on Mindcrack, but at least I know where I stand if someone was to fall on me!" Pak argued. Kurt watched helplessly as.his friends argued.


"Why don't you just TAKE YOUR SORRY ARSE AND LEAVE MINDCRACK BEFORE YOU GET HURT! THIS IS A MAN'S JOB!" Kurt couldn't take the fighting any more.

"GUYS!! MHYKOL'S OUT THERE SOMEWHERE AND WE'RE ARGUING LIKE A BUNCH OF THREE YEAR OLDS! What would Mhykol want us to do if he was here?" Kurt asked. The two looked at Kurt and bowed.

"He'd want us to not argue, and help ourselves by finding others to help us. Now please... stop arguing and help me and Wolfie find some more people!" Kurt begged. Pak and Paul nodded and walked over towards Kurt.

"Your right. We're sorry. I thought I saw a desert just to the left of us. We can star there." Pak said. The trio walked towards their camp and got all their valuables, and started walking towards the desert.

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