Swiveling Heartbeats

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Pak turned into the main corridor to see the others fighting Herobrine. We'll, Nebris fighting Herobrine more like it. They talked to one another but couldn't make out what they were saying. He heard Herobrine leave and Nightmare Notch as well. Calming down a bit, he returned to his bed. Laying down, he closed his eyes.

'WHY HELLO MR. PAKRATT.' And all to familiar voice in his head said. Pak straightened.

'Why are you here? In my thoughts?' Pak asked the mad man. He could hear Herobrine's laugh inside his head.

'Why? Because. I am here to warn you. Once and once only for the year, 2015!' Pak straightened in his bed, trying not to get the attention of the others around him.

'Why are you doing this to us?' Pak asked the heartless murderer. Herobrine was silent until a few moments later.

'Because unlike the others I've faced you have the strongest fighters. Nightmare Notch is a good mentor when it comes to things like fighting skills, but your team is unbelievable.' Herobrine said exreamly calm, yet making him sound even more crazier then he already was.

'Leave us ALONE! Your a sick murdering psychopath who wants nothing else then to watch others su-' all of a sudden, Pak was ingulged by a throbbing pain coming from his chest. Pak shot upwards, clutching where is heart is, and slowly started to walk out to the main. When he got there, the others stared at him.

"Pak?" Kurt asked, reaching out a hand to try and help. Pak went to grab it when he fell to the floor. He hears all the others around him, but this was the last thing he heard.

'I WILL FIND YOU.' Then he blacks out.


Adlington was by the river with MC, talking about Millbee and if he was going to be alright.

"MC. He's going to be fine. Trust me. How long have you two known me for? I wouldn't lie!" Adlington said, trying to reassure the 'Lapis Lover' that he was right. MC sighed angrily and stood up, glaring down at the yellow man.

"I know I know. Ads, Mills has always trusted you as a friend but-" MC paused there as the wind picked up, causing the rivers water levels to fluctuate.

"WELL HELLO MY DEAR TRAVELERS. WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?" Herobrine asked, seeking up on the two, almost causing MC to fall into the now gushing water.

"Herobrine.. did you hurt-"

"MILLBEE? YES I DID ADLINGTON. I APRECIATE SOMEONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION TO WHAT I DO." Herobrine laughed, causing MC to quickly hide behind Adlington in fear.

"DON'T BE AFRAID. I WON'T BITE. I ONLY WANT TO MAKE A... DEAL." Herobrine said, adding a short pause near the end. Adlington stepped forwards cautiously, a still scared MC behind him.

"What kind of deal?" Adlington asked. The madman smiled and walked closer.

"You see, on the inside, Millbee is dieing, due to a lack of, should we say, confidentials in his body. Poison. Millbee, along with Pakratt in the desert has about.. 3 days to live. If you succeed, congrats." Herobrine said sarcastically. Herobrine then smiled deviously.

"If you fail, they will forever be BANISHED from living, or from heaven. Ahahahahahahaha. This'll be fun." Herobrine said, still looking at the terrified MC. With a smile, he disappeared.

"Come on! We have to tell the others!" Adlington said, pulling MC behind him.

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