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Harry sensed somthing and turned around but it was far to late,

he couldn't move in time but someone else could...Amber.

She jumped in front of him, pushing him out the way thought doing so she herself had no chance at running away, everything seemed to slow down in slow motion and Drew's jaws fastened themselfs around Amber's waist and bite down,here was a blood curling sound as the bones inside Amber where crushed and her heart wrenching screams brought every one to look at who made the sound.

Drew shook her like a rag doll in his jaws and more bones broke and her screams of pain reached anouther notch...the Black wolf then spat her out again.

She crumpled on the floor...

Harry ran towards her pushing Drew out of the way, all that mattered to him was Amber.

"Amber? Amber!" can you hear me?" Harry cried trying to bring her out of the daze she was in.

"H-Harry?" she slurred, her eyes couldn't focus on him and blood was dripping from her wounds 'y-you need to heal yourself" Harry pleaded.

'It's t-to d-deep, H-Harry...I-I can't" Amber gasped in pain.

She shiverd her body spazzaming slightly " can't leave me!" Harry whimpered.

"I..wanted t-to t-tell you s-somthing b-before..." Amber said shakily.

"you can tell me later" Harry hissed.

Amber shook her head "n-no I-I can't you know...I-it's the end f-for me"

Harry sobbed tears rolling down his cheecks "no it's n-not! You didn't give u-up on me! I-I'm not giving u-up on you"

Harry's vision was all cloudy as he cried...

Amber smiled tightly at him sadly "Harry...I..lo-" she started to say but then her eyes widened slighty and she let out a shuddering gasp, a wet gargling sound came from her throat and she closed her eyes...

"No...Amber???Amber!!!!!!!! No! No!" Harry yelled, he shook her and cried, nothing worked...

She lay there...

completely still.

Harry was trembling, he felt like someone had ripped him apart...

A part of his mind refused to believe it, anouther part of him...

A darker part of him rose to the surface.

Harry didn't try to fight, Harry bent down and layed a sloppy wett kiss on her cold forehead and watched his hands that were trembling in grief slowly curl into shaking fists...

His eyes flashed black as he looked up at the fight that was going on still...

He knew only one thing....

They would pay!

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