New Life And Voices Of The Future

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Everything had gone black for Amy. There was a sudden pain deep within her. All she saw, all she knew was darkness.

Then Amy saw a light...

Images flashed in front of her.

London, though everything around her was everywhere, people screaming.

Then she was somewhere else.

A group of people were being crowded, they looked frightened? Policemen were around them, threatening them with guns. Though the people looked strangly pale and their eyes a little bit to dark.

Another scene flashed before her eyes.

A small girl, in a cell, she was crying "Please! Please, I'm not it! I'm not! Where's my mum!"

A gaurd snarled "Shut up demon!"

Then another scene flashed in front of her.

A court room. A guy standing in front of the judge.

"We're people to!" He cried out.

A women oposite the young man said coldly in return "But you're not human, are you?"

A voice echoed inside her head.

"They don't understand us. And what humans don't understand, they fear. What they fear? They destroy"

Another voice

"We're stronger, faster than them! We'll win"

"Will we? There are millions more of them than us and I don't know about you but we aren't faster than bullets to the head, or strong enough to with stand a nuclear"

More and more voices echoed in Amy's mind, making her want to scream.

"They know about us now"

"We can't tell them"

"What do we do?!"

"We've been hiding long enough!"

"The entire vampire and human race depends on you!"

"They're not just vampires! There you're citizens! And you'll watch them burn?"

Then one more scene played out before her. A old man sat in a very important looking office, he looked deeply troubled. Even though Amy had never seen him before she swore he defiantly looked extreamly familer to her. Something about him screamed important.

A young women stood next to him, she to looked quite important.

She then told the man "Then I think you have to ask yourself this question then sir...Do you belive every single person has humanity inside them?"

He said slowly "But they're not human"

Doubt etched onto his face.

The young women told him swiftly, suddenly slamming some paper on to his desk "But they're still people, your people!"

Before the man could respond she left in office looking irritated.

She stared at the man, where had she seen that face before? Amy knew she defiantly should know him.

Then everything went black once again.

Amy woke up gasping.

Suddenly she knew who that man was...

Their prime minister. 

But before she could think about what she had seen, a horrifying hunger gripped her. 

Suddenly she heard Nialls voice inside her head. 

 "I've just slowed down the vemon in your system, you'll eventauly change mabye over a year or two? But you'll stay human for a lot longer than the rest of us,or you could change as in a last resort if your close to death but lets hope that never happens"

That pain... Had she been near death?

Amy gasped in shock. 


This couldn't have happened. 

Not paying attention to her surroundings, Amy licked her teeth, her tong poked itself on something sharp. 

Her chest felt hollow. 

No heartbeat. 

She was a vampire.

;) HEHE. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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