The Rage Agaisnt Time

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Louis stared at everyone then his eyes stopped at Eleanor.

He relised that this was the first time she'd seen him when he wasn't a shadow after her kidnap

Eleanor stared at him for a couple of seconds then she steped forward and her hands clenched the bars that stopped her from reaching louis.

Eleanor looked at him and said softly "You're not a shadow?"

Louis gave her a warm smile and he walked over to her and touched her cheecks reaching through the bars and said gently "If I was a shadow would I do this?"

Louis then kissed Eleanor on the lips sweetly and Eleanor stilled shocked for a couple of seconds before she smiled back and kissed him with more enthusiasm.

She tried to get even closer to him but the cell bars were in the way, she broke the kiss glaring at the cell.

And Eleanor said eager to be with Louis again "Look, I dont care how you do it! cant everyone just work out how to get us out of this bloody cell? for gods sake! Leave the arguments for later!"

Amy nodded agreeing with Eleanor.

Amber pleaded with Perrie and Zayn who still looked like they wanted to gut her.

"Look, I'm sorry, we need to focus how to get Amy and Eleanor out of the cells, I didnt realise what I was saying"

And I didnt realise you'd react this violently to what I said either Amber thought while still looking at Zayn and Perrie.

Harry fourght the urge to snap or growl at Zayn for staring so hostily at Amber, he knew if he'd been mated to Amber then he wouldn't be able to fight it.

Perrie seemed to acess the sitaution and then she said her voice as cold as ice "Fine But this isnt over!".

Amber supressed a shiver at Perrie's words.

Enouther earthqauke ripped through the ground and this reminded Louis why he was here.

Louis cursed and Eleanor looked at him "What is it?" she asked.

Louis said hurredly "I came here because our distraction isnt working anymore, they almost found me and I herd some slayers say they were going to check in the prison in 5 minutes! They'll be here soon!"

Eleanor groaned "Oh shit! Look you need to find out a way to get us out of here!"

Everyone looked panicked.

Amy suddenly had a idea, she looked at Luke who was sitting on the floor looking petrofied and seemed to be trying to work out how to get out of here, besides him anouther guard was waking up.

Amy  said "Niall can you knock out the other guard? I need to speak to Luke!"

Without hesitation Niall was suddenly by the guards side and a fist came down and the gaurd knew know more.

Niall picked up Luke and pushed him near Amy.

Amy took a deep breath in, this was it she thought, if I cant do this then we're all doomed.

Amy pleaded "Luke please look at me"

Luke glared at her through the bars.

Amy winced at his angry look.

Amy said "Luke.."

Luke asked angrily "Why?"

Amy frowned "Why what?"

Luke growled "You betrayed us! betrayed your own kind!"

Niall hissed "She didnt betray anyone! Its you who betrayed her! She did the right thing and you through her in Jail! She might go to the Inqusiter and that could kill her!"

Luke sneered "That was'nt my idea and whats it to you bloodsucker?!"

Niall said coldly and drew himself up to his full height, towering over Luke who was still on the floor.

"It matters to be Slayer" he sneered the word slayer "Because I'm her boyfreind!"

Niall at that moment looked very dangerous, he reminded Amy of his shadow self as he glared at Luke.

Luke spluttered "Your, your boyfreind?? Wha-"

Niall sneered "Suprised?"

"Niall" Amy warned, she wanted to make Luke understand not encourage his hatred for vampires.

Niall contiuned to glare at Luke but shut up after Amy's warning.

"They opened my eyes! Vampires arnt heartless cold killers like you belive them to be Luke" Amy begged

Luke snapped "Whatever they've told you, they're lying! Thats what vampires do! You've been brainwashed"

"I think its you who's been brainwashed mate" Louis said dryly.

Luke ignored Louis and told Amy "They're killers! These vampires killed the people in the pub! remember those horrid murders! These vampires did it!"

Amy blincked suprised that Luke knew of who caursed the incident before she could defend them Harry spoke up "Teckniacly that was just me and Niall and we were shadows then so you cant really blame us for doing that"

Luke frowned as he asked "What on earth are shadows?"

Everyone stared at him and Amber said looking at Amy and Luke " slayers dont know anything about us do you?" It wasnt a qaustion but a statment.

"You're blood thirsty demons who we have to rid the world of! Whats not to know!?" Luke snapped back.

Amber said to Amy "You know he sounds just like you when we first met each other right?"

Amy sighed "I've been told we're alike"

Amy groaned, how was she going to change his views in the last couple of minutes? For her to open her eyes it took Niall almost attacking her then Niall braking down infront of her.

She didn't think she'd be getting any of the vampires to brake down showing there vurible side infront of Luke any time soon.

Amy pleaded "You've got it all wrong, you were like a father to me as I grew up, if you cant trust them then trust me, I know what I'm doing, I can talk to our boss Hannah, she likes me and-"

Luke snorted "Even if thats true, you cant"

Amy demanded "What do you mean?"

Luke snapped "Havent you noticed? She's not in charge anymore! Ray's taken over, you rember him?"

Amy gasped in horror and stepped backwards "Ray? Why-"

Luke sneered "Everyone thinks she's to soft, to gentle, we needed a fighter, someone who's not afraid to stand up for whats right, one of the laws his set down is everyone cormiting a crime goes through the Inqusiter, the Inqusiter isnt used for murderes any more..I'm sure you've noticed that"

Luke glanced at Perrie.

Zayn let out a fueiours animalistic growl and Perrie quickly gently touched his arm soothenly, he quickly relaxed into her, wrapping his arms around her waist and laying his head on her sholders.

Louis frowned at the couple since when were Zayn and Perrie a very affectient and cuddly couple?

Suddenly Liam ran into the room shutting the door behind him then locking it, he whirled around and panted "We're out of time! They're coming!!!"

Thats all for today, my mums dragging me out to a eat dinner.

So just to say incase you dont read comments below my Title for my third book is

Saviour or Betrayer?

Its about a certain someone in this story :)

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Hope you've enjoyed reading this chapter and Bye for now :)

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