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"I love those moments, I like to wave at them as they pass by"


Rose smirked.

Harry gave her a forced smile "Hi, Rose"

Amy was frozen in shock.

Rose asked them sweetly "What are you both doing here? And why do you smell so...human?"

She directed the question at Harry who looked like he was doing some fast thinking...

Harry gave Amy a look, like follow-my-lead.

Harry turned to Rose and said quite bluntly "I was turned into a human"

Amy and Rose's eyes widened.

Amy thought panicking, he told my blood thirsty sister the truth?!

Rose looked shocked then she smiled wickedly, her sharp fangs showing through her lip.

Rose said, eyeing them both hungrily "Then I guess more on the menu for me"

Amy blurted "What happened to you?"

Rose sneered "I was turned into a vampire and now I'm hungry that's what happened"

She stepped towards Amy...

Harry said his voice strained "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

Rose growled "And who are you to tell me that human?"

Harry winced at the name but replied "Because I said so, that's why..."

Rose snarled "I don't listen to you any more!"

Rose went to lung in Amy's direction, not caring about the shop owner who looked terribly confused and slightly fearful.

Amy cringed, waiting for Rose to attack her...but she didn't?

Rose looked like she was trying to but she didn't look like she could move,

She was so close to drinking more of that sweet delicious blood...why couldn't she bring herself to move in Amy's direction?

Harry looked relieved but not confused like Amy.

Harry replied slowly "Or maybe...you do?"

Rose was in pain and she screamed "What is this magic!"

Harry said warily "I may not be a vampire anymore but...I'm still your creator, the bond I made with you when I was a Shadow is still there...you're still under the sire bond, you still have to do everything I say"

Rose glared at him furiously.

Amy asked still in shock "What do we do now!?"

Harry grabbed Amy's hand as he told Rose "Are there any other Shadows with you? Are they close? Tell me!"

Rose said through gritted teeth like something was forcing her to speak "Yes, they told me they'd spotted some other vampires and they were going to check it out, they came with me"

Amy and Harry froze, was it Niall, Perrie, Zayn, Liam and Amber the Shadows had spotted?

Amy felt herself blushing as Harry held her hand tighter.

Harry told Rose to "Stay there for an hour! No matter what happens you have it stay there, got it?"

Rose hissed "Yesssss"

Her eyes were even blacker than before as she glared holes into him.

Amy asked quickly "What do we do now?"

Harry pulled her out of the shop quickly as he said grimly "We've got to find the others! Come on!"

Amy and Harry set of at a run...

Meanwhile Perrie, Zayn, Liam and Amber where in the forest.

Their senses hightened as they all waited for a faintest heartbeat that would start their hunt.

Amber suddenly stiffened.

"What is it?" Niall asked.

Amber asked worriedly "Didn't you hear that?"

Niall stiffened as he listerned to everything around him, there was no heartbeats but a strange presence was in the air.

Zayn and Perrie's eyes widened, both of them reconising the presence, remembering when Niall had attacked them when Perrie had been on her first hunt.

Perrie said her voice strained "Shadow..."

Amber said fearfully "There is more than one..."

They all stopped walking and Amber stepped forward and called out "We know you're there! Come out!"

Suddenly the tree's rusled and five vampires dropped down from the tree's. Niall, Zayn, Perrie, Liam and Amber huddled together as they glared into 5 black souless eyes.

A boy with black hair stepped forward and snarled "What are you doing in our woods?"

Zayn said raising his eyebrow "Your woods?"

A girl with blonde curly hair growled "Yes! This is our terriotary"

Perrie said warily "We didn't know that...we'll just go then?"

The group backed up, only to find another girl with brown hair who looked like she was 19 and she had stepped in there way, as did the other shadows.

The boy with the black hair sneered "I don't think so, as you've tresspassed, why don't you stay around a while?"

The shadows laughed wickidly.

Perrie shivered, Niall muttered to Amber "Where we seriously this scary when we were shadows?"

Amber said giving him a forced smile despite the situation they were in "Not really...you were all much scarier than them"

Niall grumbled "Thank you for the resurance"

Amber giggled weakly "No problem"

Low growls echoed from the shadows as they surrounded the vampires.

Suddenly the shadows stiffened then one of the girls growled "I know you're here, come out where we can face you or your freinds wont be around to see the show"

The group frowned, who where the shadows talking about?

Then the bush's rusled and Harry and Amy stepped out, both armed with Amy's stakes.

Harry put his phone quickly in his pocket with the hand that wasn't holding the stake.

He'd just called Louis and Eleanor...hopefully they'd come soon...

Amy stammered "R-relise them"

The Shadows looked at me then looked at each other and laughed creuly.

One of the shadows sneered "Hello, Harry, Don't you smell...Human"

"Darren, Karen, Lilly, James, Ben " Harry said grimly.   

Amy blinked at him "You know them?"

Harry gave a bitter laugh "Know them? I turned them"

The shadows closed in on then hungrily. 

"Control them or something! like you did with Rose!" Amy said quickly. 

Harry snapped back "I can only control them one at a bloody time and only when I'm calm! If I was a vampire this would be so much easer" 

Amy snapped back "Then just be calm!" 

Harry retorted "We have five pissed and hungery Shadows looking at us as if we're snacks and you want me to be calm? Are you crasy!?" 

Amy hissed back "No!" 

Amy then looked back at the shadows that were closing in and looked back at Harry "Or maybe a little bit...?"

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