Primal Instincs

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Everyone apart from one direction where dead....

Harry still looked furious...

His muscles tensing and his hands still clenched into tight angry fists.

His eyes glittering menacingly

. "Harry?" Niall asked warily stepping closer but Louis held Niall back watching Harry with narrowed eyes...somthing wasn't right here.

Harry didn't have black eyes which was a relief however they were almost black and he didn't even look like he'd heard Niall, an Animalistic feel was coming of him and it reminded Zayn of when he'd almost fought shadow Niall in the park...

It felt like if they did or said the wrong thing Harry would take plesures in ripping their heads off.

Harry bent down gracefully to touch Amber's would of been a sweet moment if he still wasn't admitting such hostility.

Zayn bravly asked before he could stop himself "I-is she dead?"

Harry snarled "I don't freacking no!!!!!!! She doest have a heart beat but that's normal for vampires!!!! How on hell do I dam! Know if she's fxxxxxx alive or not??!!!!" Zayn backed up quickly on the on slaught of Harry's anger.

Louis said nervesly "hey, hey Harry calm down...I know your upset but you don't need to go all shadow like on us..ok?" Harry breathed deeply in and out trying to calm himself down, it didn't work so well, Liam took a couple of steps forward to have a look at Amber but Harry reacted purely on instinced and a low dangerous hiss ripped from his lips and he bared his teeth at Liam, his canines looked even larger more like fangs.

"get the fxxx away from her!!!" Harry growled, his eyes flashing black for a couple of seconds, Harry didn't know why he was acting this way but all he knew was no one was getting near her again!!

He never felt this possessive over someone before. All his sense's were screaming at him to not let any of these male vampires near her, Harry was weak with grief and his power usage, he couldn't fight of what his instincs and sence's where telling him even though he knew it was wrong.

Liam stiffened and backed away quickly. Liam said slowly "how about Harry can stay with Amber and the rest of us will focus on rescuing the other girls in the other room?" The rest of one direction agreed leaving Harry alone with the body of Amber, everyone hoping she was still alive...

for Harry's sake at least...

hopefully she could bring him into more control when she woke up...

if she ever woke up.

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