The Third Imprint

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Amber and Harry looked around them, all the Slayers were uncounscios. And they could no longer hear any shouts from nearbye. 

Amber asked him warily "Are you alright?"

Harry grinned at her, showing teeth as he said a note of smugness to his voice "Never better"

She scowled, thinking was he always this smug or is this a new thing?

Amber then asked curiously putting her worries at Harrys seemingly new attitute aside "What happened in that Mirror?" 

Harry's muscles tensed as he remembered his reflections words Perrie, Niall or Liam? What do you think? Mmm?

He had to believe it couldn't be anyone of them. How could his best mates betray him? But Zayn would be devistated if it was Perrie, she wouldn't do that to Zayn, would she?

Harry said rather quickly and a little harsher than he intended "Its nothing, drop it, okay?"

She blinked at Harrys quick reply then frowned and asked worridly "Harry?" 

Harry snapped "I said drop it!"

Amber stepped backwards, startled as he snapped at her. What on eath had happened in that Mirror?

Though as soon as they had started talking Amber noticed she could smell his scent, it had changed quite a lot from when he was human but it was still just as desirible, maybe even more desirble. 

It was hard to be angry at someone who you quite suddenly seemed to be lusting after. She knew what was happening. The imprint...

Amber wondered, changing the subject "So um, What now?" 

Harry said determindly walking towards the door "Lets go get our freinds back!" 

Amber stopped him, by grabbing his wrist from behind "Wait" She said, suddenly sounding hesitant. 

Harry growled, frustrated with Amber stopping him "What-" 

He stopped speaking at his eyes locked onto Ambers addicting dark eyes....

Amber said softly "You can feel it to can't you?"

Harry stopped mid track, he stilled slightly. He knew what she meant....The Imprint...Calling to them. If he was still human Harry knew he would of blushed, or maybe backed away, disgusted....But he wasn't disgusted now...No...Defiantly not. 

Harry licked his lips, his gaze focusing on her neck. A ferouscious hunger that he had stopped feeling when he'd been human overwhelmed him quite quickly and suddenly.

He was aware his eyes feeling hot as they leacked a blood thirsty red into them.

Harry asked hesiantly "You want to do it here? Now?" 

Well he wasn't complaining...

They both looked at each other for a heartbeat then at the same time they moved into each other, the gap between them disapiering. Harry cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her. Amber kissed him back full of heat. 

"You know" Amber said inbetween breaths "If we wearn't trapped in the Socerous tower without knowing if our freinds are alright, I would so have sex with you right now"

Harrys only response was a smirk while he was kissing her, not one of them needing to come up for breath. 

He finally made a move. His teeth grazing her neck, suprisingly close to her other bite mark from him. He hesitaded slightly. Amber urged him "Go on then"

Thats all he needed as he sunk his teeth into her neck. Her sweet blood running down his throat.  Oh god! It had been so long... 

Amber responded in turn. 

And they completed their Imprint finally, Biding their souls together...For Enternity.

The Imprints are actaully very important to the story, you'll find out why later in the story. Its a bit of an evil reason really (Evil laugh) Also sorry I took a while, so much homework to do. And what do you think at Harry being turned back into a vampire? His certainly not as sweet as he was as a human or what do you think of their imprint? Let me know and thank you so much for reading! 

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