The Banshee's Wail, The Hands Holding The Squashed Heart And The Knife

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Emily was waiting with Eleanor, the two girls looked uncomfortable around each other, Eleanor thought well this is awkward.

Emily frowned as if she was listening to something then said "Ok, you can go through"

She opened the door for Eleanor and Eleanor stepped inside, the door slammed behind her making Eleanor jump.

"Hello dear"

Like everyone before her Eleanor was quite surprised at the old lady that greeted her.

This was the Seer??

The Seer told her to sit down, smiling kindly at Eleanor.

Eleanor sat down and put her hands on the desk as the Seer sat opposite her. Eleanor frowned as she realised the desk was slightly damp?

The Seer saw her looking at the desk and said slowly "The young boy that was here before you...I gave him some truths that hit home"

Eleanor only just realised what the Seer had meant when the Seer was lying cards on the table, wait! Harry had been crying? It was strange to think about, it was as if the slayers had started handing out sweets to vampires.

The Seer told her factually pointing to the cards "These cards help tell us your future, Eleanor"

Eleanor stiffened but didn't ask how the Seer knew her name.

The Seer told her simply "Pick a card, any card"

Eleanor reached out slowly and picked a card then turned it over, her heart was thumping hard in her ears and her hands were shaking, Eleanor almost dropped the card as she stared at the terrifying creature on the front of the card.

It looked like a women but her skin was pulled around her scull tightly, black veins circled the skin, the eyes were yellow and stared up at Eleanor that made her skin cruel.

The women's hair seemed to be floating of her head and her mouth was open showing sharp pointed teeth.

The women was dressed in a beautiful black flowing dress that didn't match her monstrous features.

Eleanor looked at her card feeling ice cold, the creature on the card stared right back at her, it's mouth open as if it was screaming.

Eleanor asked "What is it?"

The Seer cried "My poor child, don't...please don't's better if you left it alone, yes"

The Seer quickly pulled out her stack of cards "Please choose anouther one?"

Eleanor asked feeling ice creap over her whole body giving her goosdbumps "What is it? Why won't you tell me??"

The Seer looked at her with pure grief?

"My dear, my poor sweat child...this card is an omen, a certainty, I'm afraid there is no hope for you"

The Seer grasped Eleanor's hands and said tearfully "I hope..when it happens... you leave in peace, my child, this card is the evilist of cards in my pack, this creature is a Banshee and is wailing... this card is the omen of...death"

Eleanor's breathing hitched and she took a swift breath in, her eyes widened, she suddenly felt clammy and pure fear sliced through her like a sword.

Eleanor choked out "W-what?"

The Seer said "My are destined to die"

Tears made Eleanor's vision swim, she was what? Eleanor shook her head, pure denial inside her head.

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