Awakening The Darkness Part One

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Niall looked grim as he walked inside the room, stopping himself from hissing angrily at the gaurds who were pushing him in. 



If he had a heart beat it would be beating a mile a minute. 

This was where everything ended... 

"We're not like everyone thinks you know? You and you're freinds are different, only you have really seen the truth at who and what we actaully are" 

Niall turned slightly to look straight at the Inqusiter, who was sitting in the chair, waiting for him. 

This is it... 

"We're you. I'm you. They're are two types. One where you lose yourself completly, another were, well you already know about that one, don't you?"

The inqusiter didn't say anything as Niall sat down in front of her. He laid his hand in front of her, already knowing what to do. 

The Inqusiter finally spoke "Ah, here he is" 

"It will know you" 

"I've been waiting for you" 

"It will know what you will do" 

"Finally, the vampire who makes the right choice" The inqusiter said. 

"Just get it over with" Niall growled. 

"You have to make it belive its real, what you're telling it is real"

The inqusiters hand glowed, its eyes started to glow. Niall stared into its eyes, prickles of fear and panic gripping him. 

"Now choose, your power or your mate?" 

"Don't think about her, remember don't think about what you want, think about what I want"

Niall said to his shadow self "But if I do that I will betray my freinds" 

Nialls shadow smiles creuly as he replied "Yes the pro's out number the odds don't you think?" 

Niall said slowly "I-I choose..." 

"Come on Niall" 

"I choose" 

"Say it!"

"I-I choose power" 

If Niall could see past the hood he probably could see the Inqusiter grinning. 

"Then the pain will come, ignore it"

Nialls eyes widened as he felt pure pain entering his heart, like someone had ripped his chest open. But it wasn't his pain, he knew that. The choice was clear... 

Mates were tied to each other. 

By choosing power over her he had essentaillly regected his mating bond with her. He hadn't imprinted with her so the bond between them wasn't that strong, so she wouldn't be able to feel his emotions right now, which was good but he knew what was happening... 

There was a reason no one ever regected the mate bond. 

It was killing her. 

It was killing Amy. 

Outside the room, Amy felt a sharp pain in her heart, she gasped in pain, then she fell to the ground, a gaurd catching her. Instead of worried expressions the gaurds looked pleased? 

Before everything went blank Amy heard a gaurd say "The vampires done it, finally!"

There was a reason why mating and imprinting could be so dangerous. Why it was rare. 

Any feeling of regection from the potential mate could mean the death of the other mate. And it happened very, very easily. 

"I'm so sorry Amy" Niall thought, closing his eyes to stop any tears reaching his eyes, then it was time, Niall knew it was time. 

He shut his eyes then reached within himself. 

The conversation he had had with his shadow self in the mirror coming up to the surface of his mind and soul. 

Them shaking hands as the deal was done. 

Everything was done. 

He had sold his heart and soul to the devil. His own devil. Snippets of their conversation in the mirror, not really in any order ran through his mind.

"You think human life is worth saving?" His Shadow sneered.

"The easy and the right thing are never the same." His Shadow told him coldly.

I could have done so much more! I could have helped in a differen't way! Niall cried out, feeling desperate.

"Sweet, Sweet Victory, Don't you think?" His Shadow sneered triumphly

"There comes a time where you will have to do the right thing" Niall told his Shadow seriously.

"I love those moments, I like to wave at them as they pass by" His Shadow said mockingly. 

Soon he was facing his shadow self. In real time this time. 

"So you remembered then" His Shadow self said snidely. 

"Bits" Niall muttered. 

Suddenly Nialls Shadow looked more serious as he held out his hand "You ready for this?" 

"Do I have a choice?" Niall responded weakly, with a bitter smile. Before Niall took his shadows hand, he warned "You know you won't remember this conversation at first right? Like me" 

The Shadow chuckled darkly and he responded "Like you? I am you" 

Before Niall could react to that, the Shadow grabbed Nialls hand. 

Niall screamed in his mind as he let the Shadow overwelm him, his soul, mind and body.

With a strangled gasp Nialls eyes snapped open as the Inqusiter let go of his hand. 

But now... 

His eyes were no longer ocean blue. 

But an ice, cold black. 


I've decided to split this into two parts and sorry about the wait, lifes been busy with Uni and everything that comes with it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. :D Please comment and vote? And if those words look familer that was shared between Niall and his shadow, in his memory then I suggest you look back through the chapters I'm sure I've put them in a few different chapters somewhere? hehe Thought they were random qoates maybe? Nope :) Though I confess I did get three or four of them from a certain pirate film and a famous wizard film :D hehe

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