One Simple Question Is So Difficult To Answer...Why?

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Amber and Harry stayed in silence, none of them knowing what to say or do. After over 15 minutes of silence. Four men came in. Amber could see clearly they were slayers but they had something with them that looked a bit like a bed? Or some sort of bench? 

"What are they doing?" Harry whispered. 

"I'm not sure" Amber replied. 

The men grinned nastily at them. They were slayers Amber realised. 

The most taller and buffer one, who looked a bit like a gorilla. Smirked as he walked up to the cell. Amber finally had a clear view of what they had brought in. Her eyes windened in horror, no that was barbaric! Evil even! They were not legal!

"Grab the boy" The slayer who looked a bit like a gorlla told the others. Three of them barged into the cell suddenly. Harry backed up, fear and shock sketched onto his features.

"LET GO OF HIM!" Amber screeched.

One of them held an a cross bow, pointed at Ambers heart, a stake attached to it. If she tried to help she would be dead in a second. Amber stilled, she was fuming and scared for him. 

"Get of me!" Harry snapped, trying to struggle but he couldn't as they pushed him outside of the cell, locking the doors behind them so Amber couldn't get to him. 

One of them with black hair sneered at Amber "Watch this or you're boyfreind will suffer even more"

Before Amber could wonder what he meant, she watched in horror as they tied him, struggling and yelling, to the object that at first look Amber had thought it was a bed or a bench but it was so much worse than that...

It was positvly medeval method, hell it was a medeval method! The object consisted of a rectanglar wooden frame, it was slightly raised from theground, with a roller at both ends. Harry's ankles were fastened to one roller and his wrists were chained to the other.

Harrys eyes widened in fear as he to reconised what they were putting him on No! They couldn't be serious could they? He felt himself going green. Harry stammered, fear dripping from his voice "But...This was outlawed ages ago! Its last use was like in the medeval ages for crying out loud! You can't do this!"

One of the slayers laughed coldly "Where do you think all those old torchure methods ended up? The ones that didn't go into a museum any way?"

Amber pleaded "Please! Don't do this!" 

They just laughed at her please.

Harry was on a medeval tochure weapon, one of the most painful tochore methods out there...Designed to rip apart its victoms slowly and painfully as possible. The humans that had thought up this must have been truly evil Amber thought in horror. 

It was called the Rack....

It streched its victoms to the limit, ripping of limbs if need be. The slayer with black hair said with glee "Here we go" He then started to turn on of the levers on the rack. 

Amber cried "No!"

They didn't listern then the screaming started.... 

Meanwhile Liam sat up with a jolt, screams of pure agony assulting his ears. It was heart reching and he reconised the screams! Harry!

"No" He muttered, staring at the door, wishing he could get out of this cell. 

Liam tried to call apon his powers to crack the metal bars but he was to panicked to get a hold of them. What were they doing to Harry? He couldn't defend himself, he was just a human now after all! Why would they hurt him?

Liam tried again to use his powers but "I wouldn't do that if I were you" 

Liam stiffened as he saw Emily walk into the room, looking at him sadly through the bars. Liam snarled "Why not?" 

He glared at her, fully aware she was the one that knocked him out and put him in this cell. 

Emily was about to walk over to his cell but Liam hissed at her angrily, showing his sharp teeth. That were now aching to tear into something. 

Emily looked hurt that he would do that but Liam snorted, what did she expect?

 They both winced as Harrys screamed shrilled through the air once again. 

"W-what are they doing to him?" Liam pleaded. 

Emily didn't make eye contact with him when she said weackly "They put him on the rack"

 Liam didn't really know what that meant but he was to afraid to ask.

 Liam cringed hearing the screams echo around the cells. It ached him physically inside that he could do nothing to help. Emily flinched but that was it.

"Just, just answer me one questionLiam said, deep hurt intwined into his voice. 

"What is it?" Emily asked stiffly.

"Why? Just...Why?" Liam asked brokenly.

How could she betray him, betray them like this?

Emily said hesiantly "I don't have a choice Li-"

"Don't give me that bullshit! Everyone has a choice" Liam growled, his voice taking on a more animalistic edge in his anger, his eyes flashing black for a couple of seconds.

Emily snapped "Well I didn't okay! Ray said he would kill my sister if I didn't comply, okay!?"

Liams eyes widened and he said, shocked "He said that?"

Emily said softly "He implied it" 

Liam pleaded "Help me out of here and we'll protect you're sister, I promise, she'll be fine...Please help us" 

Close to them but not to close, in the dark room with the cell holding Amber in, Harry screamed in pure pain. Tears pricked his eyes. His limps felt like they would snapp any second. He screamed intill he couldn'r scream any more loosing his voice. Some parts of his skin red and swollen because of the strain. 

He barely heard someone come into the room, telling the Slayers the that Ray needed them, something about the Sorceresses defying him or acting up. 

Finally the pain vanished, well not really but it was more sore than painful. 

As everyone turned away from Harry and her, Amber made sure this was her chance. She hit the bars with as much force as she could, bending the metal to get free. 

One slayer turned round and said in shock "Ray told us she wouldn't be able to do that!" 

Amber growled visciously at the Slayers, as one came at her, she through him into the oppisite wall. And hurried over to Harry. 

Harry felt himself being unstrapped, his vision blury with tears so he couldn't quite work out who it was at first then "A-amber?" Harry said, his voice trembling in relief.

He stood up then almost fell over, everything aching from the torture. Amber quickly made sure he was leaning on her as they made their way out of the room. 

Another slayer that had tried to stop them was hurled away by Amber, the two others ran away, probably to tell Ray Amber thought. 

"Quickly, before they come back!" Amber yelled as she helped him to move down the corridor, hopefully either towards one of their freinds or the exits.

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