Bid For Freedom

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Perrie attacked and all hell broke lose.

The slayers at first couldn't stop her, suprised at her strength as they still belived her to be human, Perrie through the slayers or her, in the sudden chaos Eleanor let loose a growl her eyes turning yellowish amber colour as she used her werewolf strength to get free of the slayers grasps ad slamming them to the ground.

Amy used a more simple way to get out, she stood hard on one of her capters toes and bit anoither of her capters arms.

They let them go...they were free! "come on, this way!" Amy yelled, she knew where the exit was.

The girls ran, Perrie made sure not to use her vampire speed so Eleanor and Amy could keep up, she didn't want them to leave her behind.

They ran. soon Amy herd some shout "there they are! Don't let them get away! "

"Why are they chasing us! We're not their prisinors!" Eleanor snapped.

Amy groaned "they want to question us! It's what we do after we find anyone suspios"

"Suspios?" Perrie asked quickly "what have we don't that's suspios? I thought all they thought we were were innocent civilians and an innocent werewolf they were rescuing!"

Amy snapped "we told them vampire's who all slayers think our evil dangerous killers are innocent! Don't you think that would raise suspicion and the fact we're running away will so help their trust in us I'm sure!!"

Suddenly an small Arrow looking thing shot past them..barly missing Eleanor "there trying to kill us!" Eleanor schreeched.

"Not kill! Put to sleep! Their darts! If they touch you you'll be knocked uncousios!" Amy  yelled back.

"Halt!" Someone yelled...they turned a corner and came to a abrupt stop, our eyes widened in fear...

There were so many humans! All of them had stakes some even guns with those darts inside pointed at them.

Perrie could only thing...dam before a dart was shot and her and her freinds.

They all fell into blackness waking up in a cell "Remind me why I attacked my own sisters and brothers and ran away?!" Amy groaned groggily, glowering at Perrie.

Flash back ended.

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