The Goat, The Trapped Dolphin And The Knife.

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Perrie opened the door, she slowly went through it feeling out of out of place in the small but homely yet dusty looking room.

"Why hello child" A kind voice said from behind her, suprised Perrie let out a hiss and bared her teeth then stopped and straightened up as she stared into the eyes of a short old Lady.

"Hello child, I am the Seer" The old lady said luckily ignoring Perrie's suprised reaction.

Perrie blinked startled as she looked at the Seer infront of her.

So this was the Seer?

Huh...wasn't what she was expecting.

Perrie felt a sudden relieve at least the Seer defiantly was nothing like the inquisitor.

The Seer said kindly "Come in and sit down" I will help tell you what your future holds"

Perrie said feeling weirded out "Okaay"

The Seer layed about 30 cards along the table and told her to pick one.

Perrie hesitantly reached out and picked up a card on the right and turned it over. Perrie raised her eyebrows as she looked at the picture of a goat?

In the card it was munching on some grass looking innocently back at her, Perrie blinked, Okaay...that card seemed...odd.

What did a goat have to do with her future?

Perrie asked feeling complexed "Is this some kind of joke?"

The Seer gave her a sad smile and looked a little amused "You could say that my dear, its a play on words really, in my pack of cards, I have warning cards, death omens, certainty cards, that mean something will happen and you wont be able to stop it and lesser cards, cards are like warnings but not as serious, you have hear a lesser card"

Perrie said uncertainly "Un Okay, what does it mean exactly?"

The Seer asked her "My dear, ever heard of the word Scapegoat?"

Perrie said "Yeah, I don't understand how this would-oh!"

The Seer chuckled "Yes, you see? It's a play on words"

Perrie knew if she was still human she would of blushed for not getting what the Seer had meant at first.

The Seer said slowly "You will take the blame for something big, something you did not do, only one person will stick by you, you will be in a lot of emotional distress when that time comes, but remember to stick to your believes and you will be fine in the end"

Perrie looked at the card then back at the Seer, she could tell all that from just this picture? All she saw was a goat eating grass.

The Seer just smiled plainly at Perrie and Perrie saw wisdom yet tiredness in the old lady's eyes, Perrie thought there is defiantly more to the Seer than she lets on.

The Seer told her to politely pick another card.

Perrie did so and turned the card around.

Perrie looked at the her card, an uncomfortable feeling went through her.

The Seer looked at Perrie searchingly "Does this card mean anything to you?" She asked.

Perrie said slowly "Dolphins used to be my favourite animals as a child but this...this ones trapped in a net"

The Seer asked her "Do you know what dolphins can symbolise?"

Perrie shook her head, the Seer said "Trust"

Perrie said frowning "But its trapped in a net, I don't-"

The Seer interrupted "Sometimes the most difficult things to understand are really the easiest if you look at them in a different way"

The Seer said suddenly stern "But I warn you Perrie this is not a nice card, the future you will meet someone from your past, listen to me now dear, no matter how harmless they seem or they once where, whoever they are...Do. Not. Trust. Them. Or I'm afraid you may like this dolphin be trapped in a net you won't be able to escape from"

Perrie felt goosebumps rise from her skin and a creepy feeling entered her. She imagened her self trapped in a net underwater, screaming to get out but no one coming.

Perrie pulled a face, feeling herself cringe inside, she turned the card over so she didn't have to look at the helpless dolphin looking at her with those small yet pleading like eyes.

Perrie hurriedly went to pick another card as the Seer nodded at her to continue. Perrie thought the quicker I do this the quicker I can go and see Zayn, it was strange feeling this shy and uncomfortable without him in her site, must be the imprint she thought.

Perrie turned the last card over to see a knife dripping with blood on its tip, she took a sharp breath in of suprise.

Now this defiantly looked like a nasty card.

The Seer looked grim and she told Perrie "I guess I have no choice now to believe what I hoped wasn't true. This card is for backstabbed, meaning you will be betrayed, all your friends before you have had this card, I fear your whole group will be betrayed, it will be a deep betrayal in all your eyes, but I feel it will affect your friend Amy the worst, when you are betrayed, look out for her will you? She's a sweet girl, I'd hate anything to...happen to her"

Once again the creepy feeling washed over Perrie's body and she held back a shiver.

Perrie asked her "Do you know who it is?"

The Seer said vaguely "I have a few ideas, run along now, you don't want to keep your boyfriend waiting"

Again If Perrie was human she was sure her face would be red, Perrie stood up and walked towards the door the Seer pointed to.

Perrie noticed there where lots of strange doors dotted around the room when Perrie was going through to the other room she swore she saw a strange door with pink dots layering it, odd.

Perrie was quickly greeted by Zayn but instead of a hug like she was expecting he kissed her full on the mouth, Perrie responded eagerly.

They broke apart both of them suddenly remembering they had company.

Amy and Louis was watching them with an extremely amused expressions, Eleanor was smiling but to Perrie it seemed forced and she looked kind of pale.

She was leaning into Louis who was holding her gently like she might break.

Louis asked Perrie "So...what cards did you-?"

Zayn suddenly snapped "It's not her! I'd stake my life on it! I would of known if it was her because guess what! We're imprinted and again I'm sorry for asking Eleanor ok? How many times do I have to say sorry? It doesn't mean you should ask Perrie!"

Perrie blinked, Okay she had no idea what was going on.

Louis and Zayn were scowled at each other.

Amy sighed figuring that Perrie should understand "We've all got that betrayer card with the knife, Zayn checked Eleanor out to see if she was the betrayer and Louis was being an overprotective dick"

Louis snapped "Hey!"

Amy said "What? It's true! Now it's Zayns turn to be the overprotective dick, you got it?"

So Zayn and Louis don't like their girlfriends being thought as as the betrayer? Let alone asked about it you mean? Perrie thought but she nodded along to Amy's explanation anyway.

Then Perrie frowned and asked "Um guys, why's Harry asleep on the floor?"

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