Slayers And Bite Me?

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Sweet, Sweet Victory, Don't you think?


How many times was he going to black out today? Harry thought irritibly as he stirred, his eyes opening, his vision blurry, what had happened? The last he remembered was walking with Amber then he heard her cry out. But before he could do anything he'd felt a sharp pain in his head then darkness was all he knew. 

"Harry? Harry!" Are you alright?" Ambers voice reached his ears as he groaned, sitting up agaisn't...bars?

"What happened?" Harry said shakily. He saw Amber sitting next to him, looking at him worridly. Her arm wrist were in shackles, though it seemed to be coated with some sort of liquid that made her wrists burn slightly when she moved. 

He looked around, noticing he wasn't wearing any shackles and they seemed to be in some sort of cell? Or jail? Metal bars were all around them, then the room they were in was completly black, covered in shadows with no light shining through. Harry was suprised he could still see with his weak human eye sight. 

Amber said grimly "They captured us"

Harry blinked at them "They-?"

"Well, well, well. Look what we've caught here" A voice sneered near there cell as someone walked in. 

An older man walked in, followed by two young men, they were both holding stakes...They were slayers. 

Amber bared her teeth at them, stumbling in front of Harry protectivly "Who are you?" She demanded. 

"Pity, I thought you would of heard of me by now, My names Ray" The man said menacingly.

Harry reconised the name quickly, Ray, the new leader of the slayers? What was he doing here? Amber voiced this angrily. Ray smiled coldly at both of them "You both haven't payed for you're crimes probably. When I heard what happened, tut, tut. I was furious, I mean how is the Mirror of Edris any sort of punishment? True it made one of our jobs easier for us but still..."

He looked at Harry, who was hating himself at how weak he was. 

"All you're other freinds are in different cells" Ray told them "You'll stay here intill reanforcements are here, then you all will get a proper trial, with the inquisiter" 

Harrys eyes widened in horror and Amber yelled "No! You can't do this!"

Amber then said desporatly "Do, what you want with me but Harry's human! Human rights! You can't!"

Ray laughed creuly "What the goverment doesn't know won't hurt then" He sneered. 

Then while giving them a cold look he left them, his gaurds following him. 

Harry shivered, suddenly feeling cold and a little hopeless, What were they going to do now?

Amber and Harry both moved towards each other. Ambers cold skin didn't really help him. Harry gave her a pitying look as he looked at her shackles "Do they hurt?" He asked her softly. 

Amber lied "Not that much" 

Harry sighed, knowing she was lying, to comfort her, he layed his hands on her hands, stroking them gently, Amber shivered slightly at how warm his skin was, it felt...Nice. I can't remember the last time he was this gentle with me Amber thought, smiling at him. 

Human Harry was quite different from his vampire self she noticed. Harry was sweeter, kinder, more warm and freindly as a Human. Half of her hoped she could make sure he stayed like this. 

As they snuggled closer to each other, Amber had the strangest feeling, Harry seemed to have it to as he stiffened.

A strange urge to bite Amber suddenly stirred in his mind, Harry frowned in confusion and slight disgust? Why would he want to bite Amber? What was wrong with him?

Amber felt it to, she suddenly wanted him to kiss her where she's never been kissed before and she wanted him to bite her? Though unlike Harry she reconised where this feeling was coming from...Their imprint... 

Amber asked him suddenly "Do you feel it to?" 

Harry said, way to quickly, not looking her in the eyes "No"

Amber narrowed her eyes at him, she told him slowly "I think...I think its are connection, I want, I want" She gulped then said it "I want to complete our imprint Harry, you have to start it...Please...Bite me?" 

Harry moved away, shaking his head, looking a little grossed out "No" He said shakily, standing up. 

"Why not?" Amber demanded. 

Harry told her heatidly "Because it feels wrong! No! I'm not biting you!"

Amber said angrily, her to standing up "Why not? You've done it before!" She showeed him his claimed mark from when he first met her, on her neck. 

Harry cringed, feeling pure guilt, how much guilt would he feel for his past actions? How long would it take to accept what he had done?

Harry shook his head and said his voice so quite that Amber had to strain to hear him "I'm sorry" 

Amber blinked at him, shocked, how long had she known Harry? She didn't remember him apoligising to her, ever! He really had changed... 

Amber said hesiantly "But you-"

"I was a vampire when I bit you! I'm not one now! Even though I want to be, it would feel...disgusting and wrong to bite you and drink from you" Harry said softly. 

Amber pointed out "Some humans have done it before"

Harry pulled a face "Now they're sick though aren't they?"

Amber frowned, not sure what to think, Half of her so wanted to complete their imprint, be one! Though the other half loved this new Harry, he was...sweet. But to complete the imprint he needed to feel the urge to bite, the urge to drink her blood, he couldn't be sweet a darker voice told her in her head, she ignored it. 

Amber and Harry both looked at each other, both embarrised and awkward, both bot sure how to get out of the situation they were now in...

Do you like Human Harry better than Vampire Harry? Let me know :)

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