Or Maybe Not...

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A spider clicked its pincers, moving suddenly and hurridely as a body was thrown in its direction, it escaped up the bars of the prison, to its web, watching the people that now had entered its home. 

Niall groaned, cluching his head, it ached badly and his body felt like someone had teared him apart then put him back together again, all it the wrong places, the prison span before his eyes as he sat up against the grubby walls. 

Similer groans were heard all around him. 

He heard Louis mutter from behind him "So this is what it must be like to be injected with a tranquilliser"

They had all started to overcome what had been injected into them then the only remaining surviving Slayer had given them all a bigger dose of what ever the liquid was and it had knocked them all unconscios, they had only woken up as they were being pushed out of the truck.

Niall had been awake to hear the unfortunate gun shot ringing through the air, he grimanced thinking about it.  

A silence overwhelmed the group as they all realised how helpless they were.

Niall's powers were no help, what use was water trying to get out of a cell? He was to tired to controll it probably to do any damage to the bars, same with Louis who could only conjur up a small breeze in his tired state.

If Zayn still had his powers maybe they could of melted through the bars...

But luck was not on their side. 

Perrie groaned "What is it with us and being thrown in jails?" 

They all wallowed in their misery and fear at what was going to happen to them when they meet the Inqusiter for what seemed like hours. 

Though as time past they all started to wake up a bit more as the injection wore of. 

Nialls feeling of dread never left him though, he was pale and wouldn't speak to anyone, closing himself of. Amy watched him worriedly. 

He'd been suspisciosly quite ever since they'd been captured. 

Niall felt numb inside, it was coming closer and closer to what he was dreading. 

On the truck something happened, something big... 

He remembered... 

Remembered what had happened in the mirror. 

Remembered what he had promised his Shadow self. 

And now the memory of what had happened in the mirror wouldn't leave him. 

"They'll hate me won't they?"

"It has to be done"

 But did it? Did it really have to be done?

As the silence continued Amy couldn't take it any longer. 

Trying to remain hopeful she said "We'll get out of here, don't worry!"

Everyone stared at her. 

Amy said desporatly, clinging on to her last hope "Amber, Harry and Liam will come and rescue us, you'll see" 

Suddenly as she said this their was a huge clanging noise, some shrieks and yells. 

Everything happened so fast. 

One moment they were alone. 

The next four bodies where being chucked at them. 

They all gaped. 

Niall muttered under his breath, crossing his arms, looking irritated at the familer intruders "Or maybe not.."

"You let yourself get captured? Are you fucking serious!" Louis snarled at them. 

Amber said sarcastly and angrily, but tired "Yes we let them capture us, we strolled up to them and asked to be put in jail!"

Eleanor who was sitting closer to Louis, still getting over where Drew had wounded her said grimly "Don't tell me? You've all been injected with the same stuff thats making all of us want to pass out?" 

"How can you tell?" Harry said drly, standing up and leaning against the wall, looking exausted. 

Niall frowned at Harrys voice, it was different....still extreamly wary and tired but it seemed somehow smoother and a little stronger. 

He also noticed Harrys pale skin and no hearbeat... 

Niall blinked, startled "Your a vampire again!"

Everyone turned to stare at Harry, looking at him up and down. 

"More important matters at hand, who's she?" Zayn asked, looking at the young women who was with them. 

Liam was standing protectivly near her, helping her into a standing position. 

Louis frowned, he breathed in, taking in the womens scent, his eyes flashed a sudden black then he growled baring his sharp teeth at her, thinking how the Sorcerors gave them up to the Slayers "Sorceror!" 

To his surpise, Liam twisted around to face him, a low snarl reaching from his throat, glaring at Louis challingly, standing in front of the women sorceror protectivly, who had stiffened in fright at Louis's reaction to her. 

Louis fumed, his darker instincs snarling furiously at being challanged by Liam, did he not see what she was?

Harry stepped in between the two snarling vampires. 

Harry snapped, taking control "Liam he won't hurt her, relax. Louis she helped us escape, she's with us, she doesn't mean us any harm, I promise"

Louis glanced at Harry, taking in his more vamparic features, then felt a flash of guilt, thinking back to when Harry was human.

He looked down as he mumbled "Sorry"

Harry stiffened, knowing it wasn't just one apoligy, he grimmanced remembering how Louis had attacked him. 

Harry said, not looking at Louis "Its fine" 

His stomach cletched and he had to stop himself growling at Louis, his intincs saying it was defiantly not fine, he felt humiliated and it was odd because when he'd been human he was ready to forgive Louis, now he wasn't so sure...

A vampire drinking blood from another was the biggest punishment there was, sure Harry hadn't been a vampire then but he was now, and thinking back to how Louis had attacked him, how he was to weak to defend himself, filled him with shame and humiliation, as well as a huge urge to punch Louis really hard in the face. 

Thankfully Louis read between the lines and looked away guiltily. 

An awkward silence filled the air.

Then everyone jumped as about 10 gaurds surrounded the jail, one of them unlocking the door, he sneered at them, showing his rotting teeth.

"Time to meet the Inqusiter" The gaurd growled.

Nialls feeling of dread increased tenfold.

This was it, he thought grimly.

This was where everything changed... 

So what do you think? :D

Just thought I'd get this out there...Only three weeks intill I go to University AAAARGH!!! I'm freacking out!!!

 Hope you enjoy this chapter :) xxx

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