Drew's Shadow

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"Well this couldn't get any worse" Perrie sighed.

Zayn said, he was sitting very closly to her, his arms around her "At least Harry, Amber and Liam got away"

Amy agreed quitly.

Eleonor asked fearfully "What do you think they'll do to us, once we meet the inqusiter?"

Louis wanted to wrap his arms around her but he wasn't close enough, nor could he move.. "Lets not think about that now"

Amy asked "You all to weak to move?"

They all nodded, regrettfully.

They were all squashed together in the back of a truck. The Slayers had injected them all with something that weakens Vampires, Amy with some sort of traquliser. And injected Eleanor with wolfsbane which had the same affect but on werewolves.

Niall looked even more pale than the rest of them, maybe a little sick. He'd been quite for the rest of the journey.

Amy and Niall avoided eye contact with each other.

Suddenly the truck that had been going down an abbandened and small road through the forest came to a hault. There was shouting. Everyone stilled shocked.

Suddenly Louis growled lowly in his throat. Eleanor looked just as furious. They recoconised the familer scent...Werewolf.

And not just any Werewolf....


Louis's eyes flashed black but the affects of what ever they were injected with hadn't warn of. He could hardly move.

Their was a few screams and yells of pain, shattering through the air, before the trucks door, slowly slid open.

Everyone tensed.

A smug werewolf walked in. He grinned at them nastily.

Low snarls were heard around the truck as all the vampires bared their teeth at him, growiling angrily.

Drew sneered "Oh stop the show, I know you all are to weak to move right now. One of the Slayers told me" Drew added with a smirk "Before I ripped his head of"

Louis hissed "You're lucky we can't move, or it would of been you who's heads rolling around on the ground!"

Eleanor asked coldly "How did you find us?"

Amy could see what she was doing. Keep him talking in-till what ever they had been injected with wears of.

Drew grinned as he walked closer to them. His eyes looked more Amber colour and Eleanor noticed a crazed look in his eyes that wasn't there before...

"It wasn't easy. I had to bargain with some Shadows and Sorceress's, that had seen what had happened. The Sorceress's were okay but..." Drew cringed, his hand seemed to touch his stomach for some reason as he said "But the Shadows were a bit reluctant at first but they soon agreed when I told them if I did a few things for them and killed Styles, pity he isn't here. I owe him for almost killing me last time we met"

Zayn muttered, glaring at Drew "And what a pity that would be"

Louis stalled for more time as felt a tingling feeling enter his body. His nerves and muscles very slowly awakening from the injection, he asked making himself sound surprised when really, all he wanted to do was rip Drew's heart out "The Shadows want to kill Harry?"

Drew said, shrugging "Apparently he made a lot of enemies. Not because he pissed them of. But because his to powerful. Most Shadows that want to be dominant hate other Shadows that are stronger than them. He seems to have dealt with a lot of Shadows when he was one. The words got round his been turned Human, now loads of them want him dead"

They all felt worry for Harry but tried to not let it show. Louis hoped Harry would be alright. He flexed his fingers as more movement came back into them.

The injection was wearing of at the same time. Louis could see, Niall, Zayn and Perrie all moving slightly or tensing as energy and feelings in their limbs awoke.

It was happening to Eleanor to as the wolfsbane wore of but she looked in a bit more pain. While Amy started to look less sleepy.

Louis thought they must have all had the same amount to make sure they all were able to move again as soon as the Truck stopped at its destination.

Drew walked towards Eleanor. He said cooly "You betrayed me. I think you'll be the first one to pay"

Louis's eyes widened, he felt a fierce instinct to protect her. 

Louis hissed through his teeth, at one more last attempt to stall "You said you bargined something with the Shadows?" 

The question was enough to stop Drew in his tracks. He frowned as he said, his voice emotionless "Theirs a reason I hate Vampires so much...So viscious. They wanted me to let them have some...fun with me before they let me go..." 

Drew lifted up his top. 

Everyones eyes widened as they gagged at what they saw. 

It was like a big hole had been ripped into in his stomach. A jagged cut ran through his stomach and up. It was also infected. Blood and pus dripped from the wound. The cut looked very deep, as if the Shadows had actaully put their hands actaully into his stomach. 

Drew looked more pale but he shrugged it of as he looked at Eleanor almost hungrily and madly "But it was worth it...To get my revenge on everyone that ruined my life" 

Drew looked truly mad as he knelt in front of Eleanor, he giggled "Relax I'm not going to kill you yet, I'll draw it out, draw your pain out, just like those Shadows did to me. You'll be screaming in no time" 

He stroked her cheek, as if he was meant to be comforting. Eleanor growled at him, her eyes flashing Amber. 

A more louder, ferouscios growl followed suit but it wasn't from Eleanor. 

Drew looked up, to smirk wickidly at Louis, who's eyes were flashing different colours, from black to his normal eye colour then back to black again. 

He tried to move but only managed to course his whole body to become painful in protest. And him to shudder with the effort at trying to move. His fangs on show, gleaming in the darkness of the truck. 

Drew mocked "Oh? Don't like that do you?" 

Drew called on more of his wolf abilities. His eye turning a deeper amber. He rested his hand on Eleanors shoulder then they watched as his nails started to change, looking more and more like claws. Turning black and sharpening tremendlesly, enough to cut flesh. 

Then still looking at Louis, watching his reaction, enjoying Louis's emotional pain, Drew drew his right finger. Eleanor closed her eyes, knowing what was coming. 

Louis cried out as he realised it to "No!" 

Drew sneered "Lets see you like this" 

He dug his nails, more like claws, into Eleanors flesh, then ran it down to her stomach, his claws going through her skin, like butter. 

Eleanor screamed as did Louis... 

Hope you enjoy this chapter! So sorry I didn't get it in by Sunday or Monday, it took me longer than I thought it would to write. And I was extreamly busy on tuesday, it was my mums birthday. Poor Eleanor and Louis, I'm really mean arn't I? Haha. 

Please comment and let me know what you think. Thank you for reading. Hope you have had a good day :D

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