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Vanessa quickly wrapped Annabella in the blanket while she laid on the ground. I kneeled down and cradled Annabella in my arms. "Why did you bite, Jourdan?" I asked trying to determine how she could even shift at only 7 years old. Without responding she starting crying quietly. I held her tighter.

Vanessa went back to caring for Jourdan silently. "I'm sorry, Nessa. Thanks for helping me," Jourdan whispered to her. Vanessa stopped wrapping Jourdan's leg and looked up at her angrily. Resisting the urge to stop Vanessa, I comforted Annabella in my arms like she was my child.

"You really expect me to forgive you, Jay! You were about to slit my throat and choke me to death! I haven't seen you in months and then you just come back and plot to kill me! I welcomed you with open arms and you betray me! That's messed up!" Vanessa yelled in pain and anger.

"I know, Nessa. My life has been lonely and no one to love me. I wanted affection. I even tried visiting mom and she didn't even seem interested in me. She just talked about you. I saw a picture of Uncle Jamie, me, and you... Then the anger just resurfaced. I thought it was your fault I had no one to be with me," Jourdan said lowering her head.

"Vanessa are you ok," Annabella asked from in my arms. "Yes, Bella, I'm ok. I just... I love you, Jay, but I don't forgive," she said lowly avoiding eye contact with Jourdan. She put everything back into the first aid kit and helped Jourdan stand.


"Yes, Annabella," I asked looking down at her puffy face.

"There's something wrong with me." When she said this, both Vanessa and Jourdan shifted their attention towards us.

"What do you mean," Vanessa said looking over Annabella's body.

"Something made me do something really bad."


"Annabella! Where are you?" A familiar voice called from the woods. Soon enough, Alessandra emerged from the woods but alone this time. She looked frightened and shocked.

"She's right here, what's wrong?" I questioned letting Annabella stand on her own.

"Follow me," she demanded before running back. I looked at Vanessa and Jordan for confirmation and they nodded. "Just scream for help," Jourdan said trying to be sweet.

"Like you're gonna be able to help, you're hurt," Vanessa said nonchalantly and set Jourdan down on the ground again.

I carefully took Annabella's hand and left following Alessandra's path out of the woods. When I reached the opening, I saw Alessandra standing motionless, staring at something. I followed her gaze and saw bodies laying on the ground. I racked my brain to seek a cause of the bodies on the ground.

The wolves that had a chance of living were brought to a pack hospital and the dead wolves were discarded, so who were they.

"Stay with Alessandra, Bella," I said lowly before walking towards the the bodies.

"That's not a good idea, Kalea," Alessandra said cautiously. Ignoring her request, I started jogging towards them, but stopped abruptly when I saw several familiar faces.

"Dylan! Dad!" I cried suddenly sprinting towards them. Finally reaching them, I collapsed to my knees. The world was spinning around me, I was alone now.

"Dylan! Daddy! What happened!" I cried shaking them violently. The tears fell as I shook both of their bodies, ignoring the sound of footsteps behind me.

"Kalea, calm down," Alessandra whispered helping me off of the ground. "Did they die?" Annabella said lowly.

"Their chests aren't moving," I cried loudly. I looked over the bodies and almost fainted when I saw my mate lying not so far away from us.

"Elliot!" I shrieked running over to his body, "baby, no!Please, please wake up! Not you! You can't be!" I begged and pleaded shaking his body in the process. I stared at his stationary chest hoping that it would start the rising and falling process.

"Who did this?" I asked, my voice cracking. The field was dark, the moon no longer giving me light. The field was completely silent, I filled it with my helpless sobs. The wind picked up as the swaying sounds of the forest trees joined in with my sobs.

"Kalea, get up," a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned to see Holly and Hannah staring down at me, but Annabella and Alessandra were gone.

"Hannah, Holly, I-I don't know w-what happened," I cried. "Lea, come here," Holly said holding her arms out to me. I looked once again at Elliot and held his hand. While intertwining my hand with his, I felt that his hands didn't feel the same. I looked closer and saw many severe burns covering his hand.

"He helped us escape from the window," Hannah said lowly, "the silver burned his hand severely."

Sighing heavily, resisting the tears, I kissed his scorched hand softly before standing. "Where's Cassandra's mom then," I muttered without taking my eyes off of Elliot. "She's somewhere in that house," Holly said.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Treyven said running towards me with Vanessa and a limping Jourdan behind him but no Alessandra and Bella. On impulse, I ran into Treyven's arms, shutting my eyes squeezing him with all I had. Not answering him.

"They're dead, Trey," I whispered into his shoulder. Opening my eyes, I saw Vanessa examining everyone's body.

"They all are definitely not breathing," she whispered checking everyone's pulse. I didn't even bother to look at any more of the bodies, but burst into tears when I heard Hannah say, "Alyssa, Anastasia, and Alia too?"

Treyven held me tighter and kissed my head comforting me.

"There's no injuries to their bodies so the question is what happened?" Jourdan asked looking over everyone.

"I know what happened... Annabella has a fully mature wolf inside of her and when an unclaimed wolf takes over a younger body, the process stops the heart of anyone around when it happens," Vanessa said lowly, "I'm sorry but... They're definitely dead, Kalea."

Rescued by the Alpha (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now