Chapter 37

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Bri's pov

Recap: I turn to cam who just walked in the room "I got great news"

"Well what" cam says

"There giving us the full amount of money back that I lost but we still have to go to court for damages" I said

"That's good a million saved" cam says

"Hopefully a million to go" I say

"We'll get ready where going on a bike ride" cam says

I then start getting ready by washing my face and brushing my teeth and my rats nest of my hair

I walk out of the bathroom and cam walks in.

I put black lululemon shorts on and a white flowy tank top with a pink bandeau underneath.

I put black midcalfs on with matching pink and black roshes.

I keep my hair down and leave in its natural beach waves.

Speaking since I grew up on the beach almost my whole life I got used to never brushing it and it now always is wavy.

I then grab my mint green and white stripped scout backpack since its water proof and it's supposed to storm today.

I throw a sweatshirt in it along side my phone my wallet and a water bottle.

Cam then walks out of the bathroom in basketball shorts and a tshirt with midcalfs and sneakers.

We then walk to the elevator grabbing a room key on the way out.

Mahogany, Shawn, Nash, Hayes, Jacob, and Aaron where all waiting buy the elevator.

"Ya'll made plans with out me" I said

"No cam made plans without you and texted us to be ready for a bike ride" Hayes says

I stare at him trying to keep a straight face but I couldn't and I started laughing

The elevator makes a ring sound and we all get in.

I then see Hayes pull out a pack of gum and steal a piece and pop it in my mouth giving the rapper back to Hayes.

We get to the lobby and rent the bikes for 3hours

"3 hours that's so long" Hayes complains

"Shut up" Nash says while pushing him in the face and Hayes backs with the force of Nash's hand

Hayes then shakes his head to the side and runs his hair through it trying to fix it.

"You smell bad" Shawn says to Hayes

"That's what I say" Nash says

"I smell fabulous" Hayes says

"Actually you smell like a little boy trying to impress a girl you can't get" I say

Then I hear a lot of ohh's Hayes then sends me a death glare and I laugh cause he's bad at them.

By this time Taylor, the jacks, Sammy, carter, and Matt come down

We all head out to the bike rack the hotel owns and we pick out our bikes.

I then grab a helmet.

"That's disgusting" mahogany referring to my helmet

"They disinfect them every day it's part of what the law states" I say

"Ohhhh" she says and grabs a white helmet

"Safety first" Matt says parting the top of his pink helmet

An well I laugh.

Everyone gets situated and they follow me along the trail.


We then stop along the side of a bridge since Jacobs shoelace got stuck in the pedal.

I then look out and you see the storm clouds coming and they coming fast.

My phone then goes off saying there's a storm coming stay inside.

I get goosebumps and throw my lacrosse sweatshirt on and everyone stares at me.

"What" I say innocently

"You knew it was going to rain" Taylor says

"Ya don't you get alerts on your phone or check the weather at all" I say

I crowd of No's are heard.

"Let's head back before we actually get wet" mahogany states

We all then get back on our bikes back on the 3 mile path


We get to the hotel all laughing since its down pouring.

We all then get into the cold hotel and run up into our rooms and get changed into warm clothes

I put Victoria secret sweatpants on and a cropped tshirt.

I then went barefoot since I usually don't wear shoes in hotels.

We then order Chinese food to the hotel and wait in the lobby while waiting we all talk about our favorite memories so far and well I guess you know what Taylor's is.

The Chinese man comes and cam pays.

We eat in the lobby using the plates the guy gave us we where all eating around a table all on couches.

All of a sudden the power goes out.

And I think you can guess what the guys did.

Pull out there phone and put this on snapchat cause what else would they do.

We then just sat there in the dark with our phone flashlights on the table talking having an amazing time and making family memories.

I hate my brother Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now