Netflix and Chill

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Levi's POV

       Flushhhhhhh. Watching the filth swirl around in the bowl before disappearing, I silently celebrated that I was done with my morning sickness. For the day. I swear this baby better be real fucking cute.

When I heard about the symptoms of pregnancy I honestly thought I wouldn't have to deal with them, being a thousand times stronger than any human. But apparently being the most bad ass creature on the planet didn't stop you from vomiting every morning. Or any of the other effects. I'm serious. I've had to deal with all of them. My taste buds are also showing human characteristics; I've gone through about thirteen jars of peanut butter in a week.

I let out a sigh before dragging myself over to the sink. There was absolutely no way I was going to have vomit breath for the rest of the day, even if I wasn't going to be seeing anyone.

And that reminds me- What kind of husband leaves his, well, husband home alone for three days? It's for work but still. I'm dying here.

Wait. I spent decades in solitude but after three days without my hubby I'm dying? That's it. I've gone soft. I need to go do some manly shit like go hunting or play football or smoke wee-


My head snapped over to my phone, which was vibrating on the tile, and I opened it to reveal a text from the neglecting husband.

"Netflix? He should know that they removed all the good shit." I stated aloud, about to reply a very sarcastic remark before I realised that to watch Netflix with me, he would have to be with me. Imagine that!

In a record breaking 2.4 seconds, I responded with a very cool "I guess I don't have anything better to do" before I sprinted towards the bedroom.


HYGIENE!!! I ran back and brushed my teeth, then continued rushing around to make myself and the movie room as presentable as possible for Eren coming back home.

Eren's POV

My foot tapped impatiently in the car, wanting the cabby to hurry things along. I had wanted to take a taxi so I could take the chance to see the city more than I usually did instead of just using my insane speed, but I know realise that had been a huge mistake. 6 o' clock traffic was in full swing.

Everyone was getting off work and wanting to be at home with their families, and they were getting in the way of me and Levi in the process.

For the fifth time, I glanced down at the text he sent me. I guess I don't have anything better to do. Which I automatically translated to Hurry up and get home Asap

Almost there. ...I think... Rolling down my window, I poked my head out and glanced around, seeing only the city buildings rise up around the taxi and honking cars in rows and rows to either side. With a jolt, I realised I wasn't anywhere close to being home.

I cursed under my breath and fished around in my pocket for some change. Dropping it in the front cup holder with a pleasing ching, I told the driver "Nevermind!" And slid out the door into traffic.

I weaved in and out of cars, heading towards the sidewalk and getting many angry yells in the process. But I wasn't going to let a few jerks with a stick up their ass keep me from my Levi.

The second my foot touched the worn cement of the sidewalk I flashed as fast as my feet could carry me to the mansion I now called home. I didn't let up my quick pace until I was right in front of the massive door.

Very, very quietly I slipped through the door into the foyer, hoping Levi wasn't listening for my return and in our bedroom. A few steps in, though, it was obvious that that wasn't the case.

One firm hand on my shoulder spun me around and I was tackled by a very lonely midget. We hit the ground with a thump but it was drowned out by my giggles as Levi squeezed my non-existent life out of me.

"You- mwa- brat better- mwa- never ever stay- mwa- away that long ever-mwa- again!!!" He kissed all over my face in between phrases, before finally pressing his lips to mine in a soft peck that quickly turned into a deep kiss.

I pulled away and looked up into his silver eyes. "Never again. I promise." Sliding my arms under his small form I picked him up bridal style and carried us both into the home theatre that looked more like an actual movie theatre, choosing two seats in the front row and grabbing the remote.

I saw that Levi had been doing some work- there were blankets and pillows and even two dark red drinks waiting for us. And... Was that candles? And he insists he's not a cheesy romantic.

Netflix had a few decent shows and movies to choose from, and we ended up arguing over whether to watch Battle Royale or Dance Moms. In the end we decided to compromise and watch Dark Shadows.

"Mm. Johnny Depp can bite me." I said, licking my lips and watching him poke at silverware on the screen.

"Stop being so gay. It's embarrassing." I heard Levi's voice from my chest, and I laughed.

"Me being so gay? Must I remind you of how you reacted in Guardians of the Galaxy when Chris Pratt didn't have a shirt?"

"....shut up and watch the movie, you homosexual brat." I grinned and played with his hair as we watched, him cuddling into my chest. This was the most comfortable since he was so gosh darn short.

About the time that Angelique was putting the moves on Barnabas, I felt a hand slide from my chest slowly down to my right leg where it rested lightly on top of my thigh. I mentally shrugged and continued watching cause hey, Johnny had his shirt unbuttoned.

When the hand suddenly slithered down to my inner thigh and lips started moving on my neck I jumped.

"What are y-"

"Shh. I'm watching the movie." I was interrupted by Levi's husky voice right below my ear before he nipped the lobe playfully.

I hissed at the slight pain but secretly I enjoyed it, and Levi knew it, too. Leaving my ear, his lips were back on my neck, sucking and biting wherever my shirt didn't cover.

Then he got impatient. He was in my lap, pressing right into my hips. His hands slid down my chest, one beginning to work on my belt and the other moving down to palm me roughly.

"S-Shit, Levi!" I groaned, closing my eyes and leaning my head back on the chair.

"Missed me?" He asked in my ear, rolling his hips into mine, never ceasing his movements for even a second, and it was causing me to fall apart.

"Fuck yes." I replied, grasping his hips and moving them more forcefully into mine, getting more of that addicting friction. It wasn't long though before suddenly it was gone, and my eyes snapped open to see Levi slowly lowering down to his knees on the floor in front of the couch. He flashed a victorious grin from in between my legs and, needless to say, we didn't watch any more of the movie.

A/N- I can't write smut to save my life. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you guys have any ideas go ahead and comment or DM me ❤️

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